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Beauty Happens by Falcon Dance

Beauty Happens - an exploration of Darwin's Theory of mate choice, and the power of female autonomy.

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Beauty Happens by Falcon Dance

Beauty Happens by Falcon Dance

Beauty Happens by Falcon Dance

Beauty Happens by Falcon Dance

Beauty Happens by Falcon Dance

Beauty Happens - an exploration of Darwin's Theory of mate choice, and the power of female autonomy.

Beauty Happens - an exploration of Darwin's Theory of mate choice, and the power of female autonomy.

Beauty Happens - an exploration of Darwin's Theory of mate choice, and the power of female autonomy.

Beauty Happens - an exploration of Darwin's Theory of mate choice, and the power of female autonomy.

Britney Falcon
Britney Falcon
Britney Falcon
Britney Falcon
1 Campaign |
Brooklyn, United States
$1,855 USD 19 backers
37% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Beauty Happens is a movement exploration of Darwin's theory of mate choice, and the power of females to shape the physical diversity of their species. Through the aesthetic lens of birds, we investigate the effects of female autonomy on evolution, beauty, and personal survival. How we choose, why we choose, and what happens when we can't choose are questions we've researched in both birds and humans. We see choice driven by desire, desire creating beauty, and beauty defined only by the beholder.

Who are we?

We are Falcon Dance, a NYC based company who makes work rooted in sociocultural issues. We explore relationships, experiences, and history to investigate the psychology of human nature. Our work is drawn to vulnerability and risk, blending subtlety with expansion, athleticism with artistry, and humanity with ingenuity. The breadth of our work is within the through-line where movement becomes meaning, and that meaning becomes an honest and distinctive statement. Our movement is highly driven by momentum, gravity, and the control of complete abandonment. There is a circuitous way in which we interweave bodies, push our physicality, and explore rhythm. The vulnerability of expression and possibility exhilarates us, evoking a deep sense of empathy and connection to our own humanity.

Art can transcend, sparking change and positive communication. We invest in long creative processes, to build work that grows with us. With each self produced show, we try to give back by donating a percentage of our ticket sales to a worthy cause. 

5% of our ticket sales from Beauty Happens, will go towards The Center for Biological Diversity.

Where does your money go?

In order to bring this project to life, we need more financial support. Funding for dance in New York is extremely limited and highly competitive. Artists are constantly giving all of themselves to share their work with the world; work that is vital for inspiring change, connecting cultures, and creating humility.

Your contributions will go towards:

  • Production Costs - Theater rental, Lightning Designer, Props, Costumes
  • Rehearsal Fees 
  • Marketing Materials
  • Touring of the work beyond March

Why is this project important?

Charles Darwin theorized that the creation of beauty and diversity in our world comes from the driving force of female sexual autonomy. The elaborate mating behaviors and aesthetic variations of birds, were used by Darwin to support his theory. Richard C. Prum furthers this research in his book The Evolution of Beauty: How Darwin's Forgotten Theory of Mate Choice Shapes the Animal World --- and Us. Prum's writing became the source of our inspiration for Beauty Happens. 

As four women who have a uniquely different "taste for the beautiful...(Prum)", we have discussed our personal experiences with dating, sexual coercion, choice, and female rights. The fight for female autonomy is stronger than ever before, and it stretches across continents, cultures, race, and religion. This theory of mate choice through female desire shows us on an animalistic and instinctual level, that inhibiting autonomy only hinders the evolution of our species.

Our physical embodiment of two years of research, has led to work that is visceral, raw, and real. It is our hope to invoke empowerment with sexuality and choice, empathy with relationships and mating, and to share the influence of the female species on nature.

Photo by Gothamfotografia


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