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Becoming a Female Tour Manager

A project to create a more gender balanced music industry

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Becoming a Female Tour Manager

Becoming a Female Tour Manager

Becoming a Female Tour Manager

Becoming a Female Tour Manager

Becoming a Female Tour Manager

A project to create a more gender balanced music industry

A project to create a more gender balanced music industry

A project to create a more gender balanced music industry

A project to create a more gender balanced music industry

Jules Ruza
Jules Ruza
Jules Ruza
Jules Ruza
1 Campaign |
Barcelona, Spain
$370 USD 13 backers
3% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Hi I'm Jules! / Hola soy Jules!

I'm a Music Business Consultant from SAE Institute and an events manager. Find out more about me clicking here Soy graduada de Music Business de SAE Institute y soy productora de eventos. Para conocer más de mí, haz click aquí
The Project / El Proyecto
I want to be a Tour Manager, but I've heard it's tough out there on the road for a girl.

Fortunately I've been given a scholarship to attend CATO Academy, a training program in London to learn everything there is to know about the touring side of the music industry.

What I want to do is create a web series  to share my own experience attending CATO and also find other women who are already working as Tour Managers, Stage Managers, Roadies, Sound Engineers, and other live music related professions.
Mi meta es ser Tour Manager, pero he escuchado que este un trabajo difícil para una mujer.

He tenido la fortuna de recibir una beca para asistir a CATO Academy, un programa de formación en Londres para aprender todo lo relacionado con la industria de la música en directo y las giras.

Me propongo crear una web serie para documentar mi propia experiencia como estudiante de CATO y también me propongo conectar con otras mujeres que ya están trabajando como Tour Managers, Stage Managers, Roadies, Ingenieros de Sonido, etc.

My goal is to bring these women forward and share their stories, so we can create a HUB OF INFORMATION for other women that might be interested in making a career in live music, but don't even know where to start!

Mi objetivo es compartir estas historias, de estas mujeres y la mía propia, y crear un Centro de Información digital para otras mujeres que pudiesen estar interesadas en esta carrera pero quizás no saben por donde empezar

The timeline would be as follows:
- August-November 2015: CATO Course in London - Research and Interviews.
- December 2015: Going to New York City to find more women!
- January-February 2016: Editing of all the footage.
- March 2016: Launch of the Web Series.
El programa del proyecto sería:
- Agosto-Noviembre 2015: CATO Academy en Londres - Investigación y entrevistas.
- Diciembre 2015: New York - Investigación y entrevistas.
- Enero - Febrero 2016: Edición del material.
- Marzo 2016: Lanzamiento de la Web Serie.

What I'm most excited about is being able to show other women what's out there and make them aware of all the challenges and opportunities that they might find while breaking into this profession. 
We'll do it together!

Lo que más me emociona del proyecto es poder mostrar de primera mano todas las oportunidades y retos que existen para las mujeres que quisieran empezar esta carrera.

What you're getting for your support 
¿Qué obtienes por tu apoyo?
Apart from participating in an awesome project, you'll get to be featured as Executive Producer of the series, and be a proud supporter of significant future changes in the music industry. You will also get early access to the finished materials and other exciting perks.
Serás acreditado como Productor Ejecutivo de la serie, recibirás el material terminado de forma exclusiva por adelantado y podrás contribuir activamente en un proyecto que puede significar un primer paso hacia grandes cambios en la industria de la música. También hay otras recompensas muy guapas!

What the funding is for / ¿Para qué son los fondos?

All the funding that I receive will be broken down into:
- The rest of the course's tuition fees not covered by the scholarship (1000 GBP).
- Living costs while in London: Flights & Visa Costs, Housing, Food, Transport, Internet.
- Production costs: Filming Equipment, External HD, Post Production.

Todos los fondos serán utilizados para lo siguiente:
- La parte restante de la matrícula del curso no cubierta por la beca (1000 GBP).
- Manutención en Londres por 3 meses: Billetes de avión, alojamiento, alimentación, transporte e internet.
- Costos de Producción: Equipos de filmación, disco duro externo, post-producción y edición.

I believe this is important. Do you?

It is not a secret that female representation in the music industry is significantly less compared to men and this is something that can and should change. And I also believe that one of the reasons for this is the lack of resources and information.

So that's why I believe that sharing my own journey and those of other women who are killing it  in the music business will serve as  great inspiration for a  NEW GENERATION OF FEMALE LEADERS IN THE MUSIC INDUSTRY.

¿Crees que es un tema importante?

Para nadie es un secreto que la representación femenina en la industria de la música es considerablemente menor a la masculina, y creo que uno de los motivos para esto es la falta de información y recursos disponibles. 

Por ello creo que compartir mi propia experiencia así como la de otras mujeres que ya lo están haciendo servirá de inspiración para una NUEVA GENERACIÓN DE LÍDERES FEMENINAS EN LA INDUSTRIA DE LA MÚSICA.




Sharing is Caring!! / COMPÁRTELO!

Remember, you can also support this project by sharing it with your friends!  So hit that SHARE button right now! It is as good as contributing and it helps A LOT! 

You can follow me on Twitter @jules_ruza to receive updates on the project even if you don't put any money into it!



*Special thanks to Alejandro Rojas from TKSH Films and Leo Aldrey from Audiobend for helping with the video :)

*Agradecimiento especial a Alejandro Rojas de TKSH Films y Leo Aldrey de Audiobend por su ayuda con el video :)

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Choose your Perk

Thank you Shout Out! Gracias!

$5 USD
Thank you shout out on social media. You're amazing, so everyone needs to know that you're supporting this project!
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Magnet for your fridge!

$10 USD
Previous Perk + a Cool Thank You fridge magnet from London. Show a badge on your fridge so everyone who visits you knows that you are the coolest person ever for supporting this project.
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Credit as Executive Producer

$25 USD
Previous Perks + Feature on Web Series Credits as Executive Producer. The world will know that you support and encourage women becoming Tour Managers. Also, add Executive Producer to your CV. Because how awesome is that.
4 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Early Exclusive Access

$45 USD
Previous Perks + Early Exclusive Access to Web Series. You will get to see first-hand what you helped to create, before anyone else in the whole wide world. Plus the EP credit and the cool fridge magnet.
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Marketing for Musicians Course

$100 USD
Previous + Exclusive Video Course “Marketing for Musicians”. I am a Music Business Consultant, so for a limited amount of people supporting this project, I will create a detailed Video Course where I will teach you how to apply marketing theories and techniques to your musical project. When you're a musician and you want to make a living out of your music, you are a small business owner, so you need to know about marketing!
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
0 out of 20 of claimed

Feature as Official Sponsor

$500 USD
Previous Perks + Featuring as Official Sponsor of the Web Series. If you own a company related to the music industry, you can promote your business through this project. (Details will be sorted out separately)
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
0 out of 5 of claimed
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