So I got a little carried away with focusing on trying to make my blog the best it could possibly be, and I think my goal of $10k kind of gave people the wrong idea about who I am and what I'm trying to do. So, I lowered my goal to $3,000 (half of that being for a laptop).
My thought process going into this was if I can get the help I need in a creative way, why not give it a shot! I admire people finding unique ways to go after their dreams and accomplish their career goals. Then sadly, after all of this time and hard work I invested into this campaign, I quickly realized this isn't how I wanted to do it. This isn't how I want to gain my success.
I've always prided myself on being extremely independent and hard working, and I started to picture myself becoming successful both through this campaign and organically, and through this campaign just didn't feel right. I realized that if I went through with this, I wouldn't respect myself as much and I wouldn't feel as good about my success.
It's going to be a long, stressful journey working my way to where I want to be starting from complete scratch, but it will be a much more enjoyable journey, a journey to be proud of. I've gotten myself to where I am now (and I'm not just talking blog/career wise, I'm talking making my own dinners and mowing the lawn since fourth grade, moving across the country to one of the biggest cities in the country and supporting myself completely on my own) and I did a pretty damn good job, so I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and I'll get there.
So, then I decided to take my campaign down. But the joke was on me, Indiegogo doesn't let you take a campaign down after it has raised any amount of funds. And now, for the grand finale: My Ultimate Decision.
I am leaving the campaign open to anyone who wants to buy any of the clothing, shoes, accessories, etc. I am offering because I still do need to get rid of them. My closet is literally a foot wide and I just don’t have the space. Also, I feel like this would be a more effective way than ebay, and for a better cause and more creative way than selling on ebay.
In the end, I don't regret this at all. I've learned so much about myself, what I want and what I truly value. And I've decided to leave this video up because, well...I'm damn proud of it. Also, I could've used an example like this when making my own video, so I'll leave it as an example for someone else.
I sincerely appreciate anyone who shared my campaign and supported me. I never really expected or wanted any of my friends to donate, the goal was just to get this campaign seen by experienced backers who could relate to my story and see the drive I had in me, but I greatly appreciate the friends that did donate, it meant the absolute world to me and the favor will definitely be returned. So thank you all again, I can't wait to see my progress over these next few years, and I can't wait to say that I did it all on my own.