Our documentary desires to preserve the legacy and values of Ben Tucker which have transformed people's lives through music, community involvement, business, education and philanthropy.
Currently, we've secured a spot with local television station, WTOC to air our documentary locally. It will premiere as a part of the Savannah Film Festival and the Savannah Jazz Festival in the Fall of 2016. This documentary will then be broadcast on Public Television. With the addition of Freddie Cole to our list of featured interviewers, we hope to submit our documentary to film and music festivals around the world.
Meet the Crew!
We are a dedicated team of film and sound students at the Savannah
College of Art and Design. For us, this project is a labor of love. Currently
we have begun work on a local level, researching and interviewing Ben
Tucker's family and friends who still reside in Savannah.
For us, the biggest challenge will be covering the cost of travel, which is necessary to shed light on the life that Ben Tucker led outside the city. Recently, we have confirmed that Ruben Tucker, Ben's identical twin
brother, and Wayne Tucker, Ben's son, have agreed to fly down to
Savannah to be interviewed for our documentary. However we are having
difficulties raising funds for travel.
The $15,000 that we raise will be used towards plane tickets, transportation, gas, lodging, food and equipment emergencies. This Spring we plan to travel to New York
City, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Charleston and Tennessee in an effort to
highlight Mr. Tucker's national impact.
As a contributor you are a key part in facilitating the legacy of Ben Tucker.
Therefore, every person who donates will receive recognition in the final credits of the film. Recently we established ourselves as a non-profit organization called Ben Tucker Documentary Fund LTD, allow your donations to be tax deductible in the state of Georgia. With our non-profit status, rest assured that any money you donate will solely be used for the purpose of this documentary.
If you choose to participate in the
Perk options, you have the opportunity to choose from incentives such as free download, "part of the crew tee-shirts", movie poster, producer title, executive producer title and even the chance to see an early cut of the film.
Coming from a grassroots movement, we appreciate every contribution and any money donated goes directly towards furthering the reach of this great mans story.
We understand that not everyone is able to contribute on a financial level toward the project. However there are still many opportunities to show your support.
1. Like and Share the Link on Facebook.
2. Encourage Friends and Family to Support.
3. Provide non-monetary support by offering the crew a place to stay, by donating food or helping with transportation.
"You have to be in tune with the Universe.
Your mind also has to be in tune with Almighty God
and you have to be in tune with man." -Ben Tucker