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BetterBack - Perfect Posture Effortlessly

Use BetterBack for 15 mins a day to improve your posture & ease back pain. Make every seat ergonomic

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BetterBack - Perfect Posture Effortlessly

BetterBack - Perfect Posture Effortlessly

BetterBack - Perfect Posture Effortlessly

BetterBack - Perfect Posture Effortlessly

BetterBack - Perfect Posture Effortlessly

Use BetterBack for 15 mins a day to improve your posture & ease back pain. Make every seat ergonomic

Use BetterBack for 15 mins a day to improve your posture & ease back pain. Make every seat ergonomic

Use BetterBack for 15 mins a day to improve your posture & ease back pain. Make every seat ergonomic

Use BetterBack for 15 mins a day to improve your posture & ease back pain. Make every seat ergonomic

Katherine Krug
Katherine Krug
Katherine Krug
Katherine Krug
3 Campaigns |
San Francisco, United States
$1,964,595 USD by 25,040 backers
$1,193,776 USD by 16,459 backers on May 16, 2015 with another platform
The project team has begun shipping their products. The delivery may be affected by shipping challenges and delays.
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**Shark Tank Update!  We are so excited to have received 5 investment offers from the sharks! We have extremely limited inventory. The good news: as long as this message is up, we are in stock and shipping next business day. :) Hugs + have a great one!


Check your posture right now. 


How is your back? And your neck? Probably not too great. Or you’re already in so much pain that someone sent you here (hugs). BetterBack allows you to effortlessly sit in perfect posture, easing back pain.




  • BetterBack® makes every chair ergonomic – Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on one chair, you can make every chair ergonomic. Lightweight and portable, you can throw BetterBack in your purse or backpack.
  • Next gen back support –  The keystone to good posture is the pelvis. Traditional back supports only focus on your lumbar spine. BetterBack stabilizes your pelvis, restoring your spine's natural curvature, and provides lumbar support. 
  • 15 minutes a day – Like dumbbells at a gym, BetterBack helps you build up your posture muscles. Wear it for as little as 15 minutes a day to achieve great posture when you stand or sit on your own.



Good posture boosts your mood, confidence, motivation and overall health. 


Take a few seconds to re-posture yourself right now. If you’re sitting, chances are your back isn’t touching your chair at all. That’s because most chairs aren’t ergonomic, and many actually encourage bad posture. BetterBack makes every chair ergonomic. Sit effortlessly in perfect posture at your desk. Or on a plane. Or at a game. You get the idea.



You get fast results and long term comfort. Put BetterBack on in 5 seconds flat!





Sit in perfect posture for minutes or hours. BetterBack can be adjusted to perfectly fit anyone from a child up to someone with a 42" waist. 




                        Get the Better Posture eBook FOR FREE!

If you’re not in a place to financially contribute to our campaign, we still care about your posture and your health! Simply share our IndieGoGo page with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and we’ll give you the full copy of Better Posture for free. Just click on one of the share buttons below then enter your email where you’d like to receive the book here:







When you back this project, you'll see shipping prices for your home country. We are shipping from the US which means our international friends will be responsible for local duties, fees, and taxes that may be added by your government. 


A few years ago, in the lovely year of 2012, I was the co-founder of a startup, Everest, that was building technology to help people live their dreams and achieve personal goals. I was mostly in front of a computer 12+ hours a day, but we also put on the Dream Series, which were meaningful events to help kickstart people's dreams. A few hours after an amazing obstacle course run through Golden Gate Park, my sciatica pain began. The pain and discomfort made it hard to concentrate, do great work and enjoy life.

Post-race wearing the trophy (the Golden Shoes)  a few hours before sciatica pain would forever change my life. #NotWorthIt

I tried dozens of products, therapies and techniques to help with my back pain. Many of them had great features, but weren't full solutions for me. The Neo G Posture Brace: helped with alignment, but it was difficult to breathe and really bulky under my clothes; Easy Posture Lumbar Support: I still managed to wiggle and slump in my chair, and it only helped when I sat at my desk; the Nada Chair: brilliant knee form and pelvic stabilization, but gave me knee pain after just a few minutes of wear; LF Ultrasound: provided short-term pain relief, but it was fleeting; Memory Foam Knee Pillow: provided better alignment when I started sleep, but would end up in the bottom of my bed; and on and on.

A friend and I spent weeks tinkering with anything we could find to help get back support. There are still taped together take-out soup containers for lumbar support floating around my apartment. The first version of the BetterBack knees? A cut out from the top of a mega-sized protein bottle. 

Making the latest knee prototypes. So many iterations in between!


I had no idea how many people were suffering from back pain when this all began. I felt way too young to have back pain, personally. Friends or colleagues would see me wearing the early versions of BetterBack and ask to try it. As soon as they did, I would get messages all the time: "Oh hey, I'm flying to New York on Tuesday, any chance I can borrow that thing you wear?" Or "My back is acting up, any chance I can just borrow it until Friday?" I had no idea so many people were suffering. I began to do more research and was blown away by what I found.  I decided to make more -- and invest time and money into making it better. 




Six prototypes later, I began working with manufacturers to build a high quality, well crafted and incredibly comfortable posture strap I would be proud to see my mom wear. And your mom too, if she doesn't have an awesome back.


I'm hoping to find people who will go on the journey with me to get a better back. I want to hear your story, what has worked and hasn't worked for you in the past, understand how BetterBack helps you and how it can help you better.  Please join me.

Good posture affects your health, your mood and your motivation. Most people only begin to understand the importance of posture after their body is so damaged from slumping that sitting aches become chronic pain. I know because I am one of them.


My mission is to help people be their best selves and unlock their full potential. Without health, that is impossible; it is the foundation for everything else.

I have spent the last few years learning about back pain, trying a huge range of products and therapies, and developing BetterBack with dozens on dozens of bad backs and amazing souls.


The relief and support people feel while wearing BetterBack—and even after—is truly amazing. No matter how many times or tools you’ve tried to sit pain free, BetterBack is like posture training wheels so you can experience and integrate good posture into your life for good.


Visit us at or say hi, ask questions, get some back tips or share your pain at





How much should I wear it?

Sit in perfect posture for minutes or hours. It is comfortable to wear all day long, but even 15 minutes a day can greatly improve the quality of your life.



Will I look stupid wearing it?

It's hard to believe, but most people don't even notice when you're wearing it. I sit through meals, meetings and flights with BetterBack on and it's only when I'm taking it off that people tend to notice it, with a "you've been wearing that this whole time?!!" The thing that tends to happen next is someone shares their story of back pain and asks to try it on. 



How comfortable are the knee straps?

I have absolutely terrible knees (at one point I was put in two leg casts because of feet and knee injuries, later having surgery on my right knee). We spent a lot of time designing the knee cushions so that the force was widely distributed and comfortable for people who have knee problems *and* back problems.

Can I wear BetterBack while I drive?

Unfortunately, no. BetterBack is not safe to wear driving, or when you need quick leg mobility. It is great for sitting at your desk, eating, meeting, going to a movie, sitting on an airplane, meditating, etc. Note: you can wear BetterBack cross-legged! 


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Early Bird 2 Pack

$109 USD
TWO-PACK FOR EARLY BACKS! Get 2 BetterBacks! Leave one at home and one at work. Or give one to your friend with the screwed up back. Plus you'll get a FREE Better Posture eBook with the top tip from 50 leading posture experts; it's like Cliff Notes for your posture!
321 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Early Bird 1 Pack

$59 USD
EARLY BIRD 1 PACK! 1 BetterBack + a FREE Better Posture eBook with the top tip from 50 leading posture experts; it’s like Cliff Notes for your posture!
1072 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Early Bird 4 Pack

$200 USD
FOUR PACK FOR EARLY BACKS 4 BetterBacks! The perfect gift for your family, your startup or your besties. + get FREE Better Posture eBooks with the top tip from 50 leading posture experts; it's like Cliff Notes for your posture!
25 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Early Bird 6 Pack

$285 USD
SIX-PACK FOR EARLY BACKS -6 BetterBacks! Seriously, this is the best kind of six pack for your co-workers— six pack of health! And productivity! And happiness! - FREE Better Posture eBooks with the top tip from 50 leading posture experts; it's like Cliff Notes for your posture!
19 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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