Do you feel inspired by the Bible and love creating art and journaling inside it?
Do you wish you could do more than highlighting when reading the Bible on your iPad?
Now you can!
The Bible for Creatives iPadOS App gives you full creative access to your own personal Bible.
Take your Bible everywhere you go and create art, let your creativity flow with journaling, or just make notes. All you need is an iPad and a stylus like the Apple pencil - and the Bible for Creatives app.
This is the Bible for Creatives!
Hi Indiegogo, my name is Erin Walker. I am a family man, entrepreneur, and Jesus follower.
Here is my Bible for Creatives story.
One early morning in December 2019 (around Christmas time) I was doing Bible study on my iPad. I was feeling frustrated by the creative limitations and options of the current Bible apps available (there are some great apps and they do many things really well, but you can't draw, write or be creative in any way).
I love the iPad and use the Apple Pencil, but for Bible study on the iPad, it is nothing more than a highlighter. Plus the kids kept on taking my notebooks and pencil off the table so it was always a search for the pens and supplies before Bibel Study time.
As a parent, we have little free time so we need to make every second count.
I myself am an intermediate designer at best, but I always had a passion for designing and being creative. This was my final "aha" moment. An idea was born.
I had this idea (I believe it was a divine inspiration) for a Bible app, unlike all the other Bible apps.
I wanted to create a Bible app with a full creative suite of tools and enough white space for creative freedom and to journal to your heart's content. All you need is an iPad and a stylus (like the Apple Pencil).
For the next five months, we worked with an amazing design company to create the most minimal and cleanest Bible app ever, with the right tools to give you full creative authority with your Bible. On the iPad. This is the Bible for Creatives app.
We have an amazing minimal viable product and need your help to raise $8000 for the developers to complete coding the app for the iPad. It is that simple.
This product is as much for me as it is for a large community of creative Bible readers who want more from their electronic Bible.
Please support us and be part of something special.![]()
There are many Bible apps on the market. There is no app like the Bible for creatives though. The Bible for creatives solves two distinct problems:
Regular Bible journalers and creative people have a genuine lack of mobility when it comes to Bible journaling and being creative on their regular Bible. Just ask my wife :) When the kids want to play outside you can't take all your creative tools along with you. It's just too much of a hassle.
The Bible for Creatives iPad app brings great design, simplicity, and mobility to Bible journaling on the iPad.
The other problem we want to solve is for a group of regular Bible readers who use their iPad Bible for normal day to day Bible reading. This second group of people is frustrated with the lack of creativity and note-taking options on current Bible apps. Here the Bible for Creatives comes in very handy.
Not sure what Bible journaling is? Nathan from Lifeway.com explains it perfectly:![]()
"Bible journaling is an exciting way to engage with Scripture. It can transform the way you spend time in the Word and it all begins within the margins of the Bible. With Bible journaling, you will find a creative and fresh approach to the age-old discipline of Bible reading. With pen in hand, you can visually capture Scripture, meditate on God's Word, and memorize the text. Some choose to journal as an expression of private devotion, others journal as an act of worship and there are even some who consider it a creative outlet that can be shared. No matter what your purpose for Bible journaling, the beauty of the movement is this: it doesn’t require a skilled artist. All that matters is that you’re willing to experience God and His Word in a creative way."
We want to give people full creative access & freedom to their Bibles - on a simple mobile solution.
Reading the Bible is not just about how many chapters you read per day (quantity) but also how much time you spent on a few scriptures (quality). The more you focus and meditate on a few scriptures a day the better you understand, remember, and grasp the depth of God's word.
The Bible for Creatives helps with this as you spent more time analyzing and understanding every word when you pair it with our suite of creative tools.
The Bible for Creatives is not like any other Bible app you have experienced before. We designed this app from the ground up starting with a simple blank wireframe. Then we added the functions we needed for the perfect Bible app one by one. Simplicity was an important theme. That and enough white space to apply your art, notes and creativity in the space around and next to scriptures. We needed to do this without loosing any of the normal experience of reading and accessing scriptures in your favourite translations. Everything had to be excellent and world class. ![]()
The Bible for Creatives is so simple to use! You can customize your Bible design by folowing a few simple steps. The first thing you can do when you create a new Bible with our app is to choose the amount of white space you need that suites you're creative needs.
This starts with the amount of drawing space (the space between the border and the text). Also choose if you like your text to be in centre or either side.
Then you choose the amount of line space you want between each line of text. The more the line space - the more you can write and draw.
Once you are happy with the drawing and line spacing choose your favourite font and font size.
The font size also influences how much usable white space you have.
Do you like to read vertically with endless scrolling or more like a traditional book? Select an option!
We designed the app with an industrial dark mode and elegant light mode - whatever suits your style.
Finally, choose your favourite translation (We are working on adding all the translations available).
Now, you are ready to draw, write, paint, highlight, and do almost whatever you want. Your imagination is the only limit.
We included extra art tools like shapes, a ruler, cut & paste options as well as importing images.
If you need support lines, choose between different backgrounds including grid, lines, and dots.
Another cool feature is you can save any verse to customized folders for prayers, declarations or simply studying them later on. It's so simple.
You can create as many Bibles as you want with each customized to your liking.
Instagram much? Easily share any section on-screen to social media.
Double-tap your pencil and activate the read-only mode. Distraction-free reading with minimal clutter and normal functions like copying & pasting verses.
As with all Bible apps, you can search for keywords anywhere in the Bible including your notes.
The Bible for Creatives has a ton of customizations to find you're perfect white space match :)
You see! That was super easy.
We are actively refining the Bible for Creatives design with new innovations. As our community grows we will use your feedback to make the app even better. We know we could never make the perfect app, but we strive to come as close as possible :)
See our planned timeline below:![]()