Want to become a sandwich aficionado? Welcome to Big Sandwich! Where the sandwiches are big as stated in the advertising! Your contribution to this project will help fund the most expensive aspects of independent filmmaking:
Locations: Contributions will help us find the best real-life equivalent to the fictional sando hot-spot. It can be difficult to find an eatery willing to let you film on their premises for free. Your help will allow us to have a lot more options in finding the best place for us to shoot Big Sandwich.
Equipment: Making a narrative film like Big Sandwich come to life is no easy feat. It's gonna take a lot more than an iPhone and a tripod to do all the cool things we want to accomplish with this film. With your contributions, we hope to get more and better equipment for our lighting, audio, and camera teams.
Catering: Movies take manpower, and what powers man? Food! People love food. I love food! Your help with this campaign will also help to feed the amazing people that are actively pouring their creative talents, time, and energy into making these sandwiches as big as possible.
Set Decoration & Props: It takes a lot to make Big Sandwich a reality. One of the biggest facets of this is the props and set decoration. You can't make a Big Sandwich without a Big Sandwich. Everything from the sandwiches to the tabletops needs to be considered and dressed. Your contribution will help make sure the sandwiches are as big as possible.
On a personal note, by contributing to our making of this film you are helping me and my team of very talented friends make something we all believe in. Big Sandwich has been an idea of mine for three years now and it has always been close to not only my heart, but the hearts of the actors and crew that have stood by me as friends to help me tell this story that, while comedic, touches on some aspects of life and growing up that has affected almost everyone at one point in time. Big Sandwich is a story about what happens when lifelong friends grow apart, and how vital and important it can be to keep those friendships from fading. I'm a big believer in found family and the power a good group of friends can have in helping people through the rough parts of life. By contributing to this campaign you are not only helping me to make a comedy film, you are helping me to tell a story that means a lot to me, the crew, and the principal cast.
Thank you,
Nolan Hiott (Lead writer and Director of Big Sandwich)