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Billy's Cult the WEB SERIES

The previously released thriller, Billy's Cult is becoming a Web Series.

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Billy's Cult the WEB SERIES

Billy's Cult the WEB SERIES

Billy's Cult the WEB SERIES

Billy's Cult the WEB SERIES

Billy's Cult the WEB SERIES

The previously released thriller, Billy's Cult is becoming a Web Series.

The previously released thriller, Billy's Cult is becoming a Web Series.

The previously released thriller, Billy's Cult is becoming a Web Series.

The previously released thriller, Billy's Cult is becoming a Web Series.

Michael Lucas
Michael Lucas
Michael Lucas
Michael Lucas
3 Campaigns |
Gibbstown, United States
$279 USD 7 backers
2% of $12,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Billy's Cult is out on DVD and numerous streaming platforms, such as iTunes and Vudu.  However, we have been working hard on a sequel for the film and we've decided we can't wait to fill in some of the story. 

We've decided to start a web series to pick up from where the movie left off, but also create a website completely independent from the film.  We want to shoot enough episodes to release a new one every month.  In order for use to do that, we need to raise some funds so we can make sure we have enough funding to produce the entire season.  We want to release at least one full episode a month along with a lot of behind the scenes content on the making of the series. 

Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel and stay connected with us.

Here is a break down of what we want to do:

  • We want to raise $12,000 to cover the cost of all the crew and cast needed for the entire season. 
  • We have a dedicated team and everyone is taking way less than their normal rate to work on the project, but we still want to be able to cover expenses.
  • The budget will guarantee we can afford to put out at least 8 webisodes this year and also a lot of behind the scenes content.

We think this web series will allow people to see the creativity and unique story line we're creating.  We believe we have a VERY talented crew and cast and we want to world to see how hard we are all working to bring quality content.

 It is very difficult to get noticed in the film world and we had moderate success so far, but we think this will allow a whole new audience to see our film and content.  We are excited to bring this series to life.

We know the content is very dark.  However, we have an amazing diverse cast and crew.  We have police officers, teachers, business owners, moms, dads, etc... and we all share the same passion...telling stories through film.  

People are quick to judge this type of content, but we are willing to take that chance and want people to realize this is our art form.  We don't condone the messages portrayed in the film, nor do we want to see any of this actually happen...that is why we make it into a film because it is supposed to be SCARY.

If you can't donate, please share and subscribe to our YouTube Channel.  The more YouTube subscriptions we have, the better our chance for success will be.  Thank you very much for taking the time to look at our page.

Of course for your generous help we want to give you guys something in return.  In  exchange for your support and generosity we have some absolutely awesome perks lined up for you guys.  Check the out on the right side of the page.

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Choose your Perk

Thank you

$2 USD
The donation of $2 will get you officially into our fan "Cult." This will keep you posted on all our events and notifications whenever we have anything happening. Also, we would be grateful for your donation!
0 claimed

Facebook Shout

$10 USD
We have over 47,000 fans on our Facebook page and you will be thanked so they all can see your name! Also, you get the above perk too.
0 claimed


$25 USD
You get all the above perks, plus you will get an official Billy's Cult Bandana. Wear it with pride!
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
1 out of 20000 of claimed


$40 USD
Thanks so much! Your donation of $40.00 gets you all the above perks and you will also gain exclusive access to the Billy's Cult Pilot Script. We will send you one with Billy's signature if you request!
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 20000 of claimed


$50 USD
All the above items plus your donation of $50.00 gets you all swagged out in Billy's Cult gear. You will get the official Billy's Cult bandana as well as the T-shirt.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 20000 of claimed

Membership Status

$100 USD
This gets you all the above perks, plus VIP status in the Cult. You will be offered future perks not offered to anyone else, including first priority to events, screenings, etc... Also, you will get a thank you credit in the pilot episode.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 12000 of claimed

Advanced Cult Status

$350 USD
You get all above perks, plus a day on set during filming. You must provide your own transportation to and from set, but you can still come and take pictures and hang out with everyone. Also, a chance to be an extra in a scene if possible.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 500 of claimed


$1,000 USD
You will be part of the team. You get 4 tickets to our Spring fling in May, plus all the perks above and a special blu-ray version of the feature film and an additional collection of all the webisodes. You will also receive producer status on the web series.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 5 of claimed
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