(Bi)Polar Bear is a 30-minute short film that focuses on the intertwining lives of three teenagers, each facing their own demons. Focusing on mental health, abuse, and family illness- it delves into the often overlooked realities that high school kids face, but never talk about.
It was filmed over five days in Charlotte, North Carolina and is currently in post-production. We need your help to finalize this film and submit it to the festival circuit!
Short Summary
Mackenzie Patrick - writer and director for (Bi)Polar Bear
Originally from Atlanta, Mack has been creating short films and writing scripts since she was 8. Her dream career has always been to become a success and force for positive change in the film industry.
By supporting the production costs of this film, you are helping to elevate everyone involved in this project and encourage a meaningful conversation about how mental health issues impact us all. We plan to submit (Bi)Polar Bear to many film festivals to ensure its hopeful message is shared with a wide audience.
What We Need & What You Get
Creating quality films, even short ones, is an expensive undertaking. We are seeking $10,000 in support to cover the expenses of the film. Any funds raised beyond our goal will be used to compensate unpaid cast and crew.
By supporting this project, you can collect some pretty nice perks including becoming a film producer - check them out!
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
- Please get the word out and make some noise about this campaign!
- Use the Indiegogo share tools!
Thanks so much!
The link to our IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8070944/?ref_=fn_a...