Who are we?
Blacksheep.rs is a group of young enthusiastic people who created their own corner in virtual space where the most important thing is what one feels and thinks. From the small blog in the beginning we developed into a sanctuary where we found something that we are all missing today – a feeling of closeness and meaning. We've been enabling young poets, writers, and bloggers for three years now,as well as the other more or less affirmed artists, to make their first steps, present their creativity on our platform, and make themselves known to the world.
The things we aspire to:
Stepping out into the world for a young artist can be quite disturbing and one is faced with many difficulties such as: a lack of recognition, seeking for self-confirmation, not enough information about what to do and whom to talk to in order to develop and grow, accepting the critics, and facing the public. And that's why we would like to provide them with physical space – a place where they could gather, meet, exchange information, recognize each other's talents, actualize their ideas, and share their dreams. The place is primarily intended for our longtime coworkers, but all young artists who wish to begin, promote, and perfect their creative work are more than welcome to join us. The idea is to use every inch of the space in order to make it a place where exchanging goes on both individual and group level, which basically means using it up for special exhibitions, workshops, multifunctional co-working space where public discussions and meetings would be held, as well as the site redaction headquarters.
Because we think it's important to draw our community's attention to people who write extraordinary texts, and poetry, and haven't been acknowledged by the public yet. We want to incite the public, and draw their attention to verbal and cyber bullying.
Why us?
Because of our three years' work experience on blacksheep.rs site, which is edited by a journalist, professors and students of literature; more than 3500 texts in the area of culture, literature, and blogs; cooperation with about 300 authors from Serbia and its surrounding countries; 22 000 followers; companionship with artists from different fields; two charity activities; four literary contests; participation in festivals; cooperation with highschools, and similar portals, organizations, and media. And we've accomplished all this due to our own effort and enthusiasm solely on a voluntary basis. Now we would like to take it a step further and enter the offline world as well in order to create a physical space for further work and develompent.
What have we done so far?
Well, we've partially managed to collect means for our goal achievement. Superste program of Erste Bank in cooperation with Dukukino Foundation recognized this project as an important and necessary one, and thus gave us a donation for renting the place and holding some of the activities for the next six months.
Now we need your help to renovate and furnish the place. We need:
2 heating devices
Sound system (4 speakers, a mixing console, 2 microphones)
Transport and handyman services
Material for creative, and educational workshops (paper, crayons, felt-tip pens, markers...)
Promotional material
If you can't contribute?
If you can't join our campaign with a contribution you can still help us by sharing our campaign with your friends in your your social media!
Some Black Sheep perks :