The BLACK TIGER: HIDDEN DRAGON Vol. 1 Viera cover is sold out and only 5 copies remaining of the Giangiordano cover!
In this sequel to the highly-touted BLACK TIGER: LEGACY OF FURY, Assistant Defense Attorney Jenn Fong must balance her career and personal life with her blossoming power and responsibilities as Black Tiger. In order to save the city of Los Santos and restore the disgraced names of both the Fong family and the Black Tiger, Jenn must go farther, dig deeper, and bring it with more bone-crushing kung fu than ever before. This is an 88-page full-color graphic novel with production 100% COMPLETE!! This Indiegogo campaign offers readers a chance to own a printed, limited edition collectible of this modern-day martial arts masterpiece!
As the unexpected recipient of mystical martial arts super powers that have been in her family for three generations, Jenn strives to restore the heroic legacy of her father while warring factions bring the city of Los Santos to the brink of implosion.
Driven by the unsolved murder of her father and defamation of his name both as an officer of the peace and as Black Tiger, Jenn wages a personal and professional battle against injustice.
Jenn's purpose and the unpredictability of her new powers collide as the socially downtrodden meta-humans poise themselves for an insurrection that threatens not only the social fabric of the city, but also unmasks the true forces behind the death and desecration of her father's legacy.
The Dream Team
Created/written by John Hervey (Troubleman), with pencils by Rod "Super" Luper (Star Wars: Outlander), covers by Valerio Giangordano (Savage Avengers) & Eduardo Ramirez Viera (Jinnrise), colors by Vincius Townsend (G.I. Joe) & Beezzz Studios, and letters by Marco Della Verde (Achille's Inc).
Get Caught Up
We are offering a second printing of the graphic novel that started it all, BLACK TIGER: LEGACY OF FURY! BLACK TIGER: LEGACY OF FURY is a no-holds-barred martial arts, super-powered adventure in which brother battles sister with the fate of their city and family legacy at stake!
BLACK TIGER: LEGACY OF FURY is a riveting story with amazing art packed into a 172-page, full-color graphic novel!
You can also get a metal bookmark as an add-on or part of one of the tier bundles! You can't have too many.
What's up with the $500 Campaign Goal?
The budget for pencils, inks, colors and letters for 75 interior comic book pages and multiple cover/splash images is well in excess of ten thousands dollars. Fortunately the production has already been financed and completed.
Your campaign dollars will go to printing, shipping and the production of more BLACK TIGER comic books!
All physical items come with an automatically generated tracking number e-mailed to you once the label is printed. We will offer replacements for any lost or damaged item. We will NOT offer refunds / replacements for books that we track as "DELIVERED", as it is your word against ours that any form of theft has occurred. Should this happen, please file a complaint with your local UPS / USPS / FEDEX provider.
We are not responsible for missing parcels after 3 months from the day they are sent out: that is when tracking information is no longer available to us, and it becomes the customer's word against our fulfillment that a package was not sent. Please read our fulfillment policies very carefully so that there is no confusion later on.
Oh, We Can Handle It! We're Professionals
Even for a graphic novel for which production is complete, it takes time to finish printing and produce merchandise. Once we receive the books, then the logistics of fulfilling the campaign perks begins. But please don't fret! We've successfully fulfilled multiple crowdfunding campaigns to the satisfaction of our backers in the past and, in the process, gained some valuable experience regarding the reward fulfillment process.
We will work diligently to fulfill all rewards in a timely fashion. Should any unforeseen delays occur, WE PROMISE TO COMMUNICATE! Backers will be given updates regarding the fulfillment process every step of the way.
We understand the faith that backers have in us. Keep your eyes on your email and the Updates tab of the campaign for frequent and timely news and announcements!
Other Ways You Can Help
You can also greatly help the campaign by:
Sharing the Indiegogo campaign on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social media site you are a part of helps us ensure a successful campaign as more people hear about our project! For more info, check out www.beyondtimecomics.com!
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