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Blackwolf - Redacted EP

Help fund my EP release or there will be [redacted]

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Blackwolf - Redacted EP

Blackwolf - Redacted EP

Blackwolf - Redacted EP

Blackwolf - Redacted EP

Blackwolf - Redacted EP

Help fund my EP release or there will be [redacted]

Help fund my EP release or there will be [redacted]

Help fund my EP release or there will be [redacted]

Help fund my EP release or there will be [redacted]

His Name Was Dusk
His Name Was Dusk
His Name Was Dusk
His Name Was Dusk
5 Campaigns |
Philadelphia, United States
$740 USD 21 backers
148% of $500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Choose your Perk

Clearance Level Alpha

$1 USD
Est. Shipping
September 2016
0 claimed

Clearance Level Beta

$5 USD
Est. Shipping
September 2016
0 claimed

Clearance Level Gamma

$10 USD
Est. Shipping
September 2016
5 claimed

Clearance Level Delta

$30 USD
Est. Shipping
September 2016
7 claimed

Clearance Level Epsilon

$50 USD
Est. Shipping
September 2016
1 claimed

Clearance Level Zeta

$75 USD
Est. Shipping
September 2016
1 claimed
Mountain Filled 5 Projects Mountain Filled 5 Projects
Rap nowadays is filled with fakes, charlatans, and hucksters. This EP [Redacted] is my first attempt to change that. 6 songs of brutal, introspective, ruthless honesty. 6 videos to go with them. All I need is your help in getting the physical copies made. The Tesseract Society has warned me not to release them, so I need you help to take these songs out of my head and press them onto CDs.

MC Blackwolf - [Redacted] EP

Hi, my name is MC Blackwolf.  God, that's so formal, MC Blackwolf was my father's name, call me Blackwolf.  I'm a rapper out of Fishtown/Port Richmond area Philadelphia where I frequently play shows.  I haven't released a song since 2011 because nothing in the interim has been good enough.  My inner critic has gotten a lot of work, and has very harshly judged all attempts to create a solid project.  I finally think that I have  wrestled my demons enough to make something that I am truly proud of.  I finally found my sound.  If you've seen me live (as Blackwolf or in my group Kim Jong Ill) then you know that I am all about energy.  Its a weird energy, but there's a lot of it.  That is something that was really important for me to capture on this EP and I think I just may have succeeded.

This campaign is meant to fund 2 things:

  • Physical Copies of the [Redacted] EP 
  • Blackwolf Tshirts

I know, it seems a bit weird to use a bullet list for only two items, but that's how excited I am about this project.

What I Need & What You Get

"Hey Blackwolf!" You say indignantly, "What do you need all this money for?  Are you just going to roll it all into a ball and throw it into a woodchipper?"

  • I promise that not one dollar that I get will end up in a woodchipper. (Some of it will be rolled up, but that's just how I store my money.)
  • Physical CD Printing Costs: All told printing costs are going to run me about $300.
  • T-Shirt Printing: T-Shirts are going to run me somewhere around $200
  • If I don't reach my goal, I'll pay the rest out of pocket and all rewards will still go out. 

What do I already have?

I already have the album finished.  It is mixed and mastered and sitting on my laptop dreaming of one day being a real EP.

  • Album art from the infinitely talented Sally Madden
  • T-shirt designs from the incomparable Sally Madden 
  • 6 songs recorded over beats from 4 amazing producers (keen, ostubash, Matt Cattie, and oldboi)
  • A go getter attitude

I can't really afford this, but I still want to help...

Just because you can't contribute financially does not mean that you can't help me:

  • Share this campaign page
  • Share my videos as I post them
  • Tell your friends to like my page
  • Create false accounts on facebook to artificially inflate both my like count and my ego
  • Come out to my shows

Anyone who shares this campaign on social media will receive a song download from the EP when this campaign is finished.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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