BLOOD Pi needs your help. What makes us different from the hundreds of other projects? We'll get our film complete and available to the public. Our first film, American Poltergeist (American Poltergeist Trailer) was successfully crowd funded (under the title Provoked) and can be found in stores and on-line. Such stores as Best buy, Target, FYE, Family Video, Newbury Comics and others, Our second film, Dead Bounty (Dead Bounty IMDb / Dead Bounty Facebook), is currently in post production and has distribution inquiries.
Bottom line, your support will be shown and out there. We have secured private investors in addition to what we are looking for from our supporters. We have enough to get started but not enough to finish, Your support and contribution is the major part for us to complete BLOOD Pi.
Halloween season is in full spirit as River Falls University is having their best football season in over a decade and the students are celebrating.
Jocks, nerds and sorority sisters alike flock to massive parties filled with music, drugs and sex but that's not all they'll find.
There's a killer crashing parties. The school color's of RFU goes from gold to red, as blood floods the campus grounds.
What We Need & What You Get
So we have previously made two feature films by begging, borrowing and stealing... We no longer want to do that, we want to be able to actually pay our wonderful cast and crew. Begging can only go so far.
We are scheduled to film in October 2015. We have a cast member flying in from the west coast and crew members coming from out of state, so we need to keep with the schedule.
Funding will go towards compensation for our cast and crew. At the very least, pay them for their travel expenses and to actually paying them what they are worth.
In addition to paying our wonderful cast and crew, funds will go towards equipment, wardrobe (even thrift stores cost money), makeup supplies (they are not cheap), and other budget needs (hard drives, food, gas, and so on)
Besides the traditional copy of the script and dvd, our perks include items such as, a custom message in the credits, message directed to you (or whom you pick) from set, vials of BLOOD used in the movie. Stage blood that is. Plus, the chance to be a producer on the film.
If we don't get our funds, we will still make BLOOD Pi. It will take longer to produce, but we'll get it done one way or another. In other words, if we don't get all our funds we are looking for, your pledge will still go towards the making of BLOOD Pi.
The Impact
We love making movies, and talking about movies. Without you, there would not be such a thing as crowd funding. I've giving to many projects, on different crowd-funding sites, and enjoy seeing the project come to life. With your help we can make BLOOD Pi go from "Idea to Premiere"
Risks & Challenges
There are always going to be problems that come up. A problem free set does not exist. But how you deal with a problem, is what makes you stand out. Problem solving is a huge part of production. From weather to equipment issues and everything in between, you find a way to make it work. Over the years, we have done just that, make it work!
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand that some people can not help, we understand and thank you for taking your time and viewing our BLOOD Pi campaign...but you can still help. Sharing this campaign may get it to someone who has the means of putting in some funds. Thank you!