Vincent is an Elite assassin who takes a bit too much pride & pleasure in his work. He's got it all; style, money, reputation, and he also happens to be secretly dating his the boss's daughter. Betrayed & sent to his death on an ostensibly simple job: take out a old man as a favor. The old man, in actuality an ancient VAMPIRE, has other plans!
Now awakened as a vampire, Vincent discovers a supernatural world hidden in plain sight, While settling into his new abilities the assassin rains hell upon anyone standing between him and the vengeance he craves!
BLOODHUNT: The Specifications
- Black & White
- Stand-Alone
- 76 Pages
- Action, Supernatural, Horror, and Fantasy
- Printed in a square-bound soft cover format.
Created by Simon “SIM” Pothier I have 2 sequels planned, making it a trilogy with an even more epic ending!
I have already completed 52 pages (out of 72). I’ve been working non-stop for the last year & we're confident that it's the highest quality book we can offer. Unapologetic entertainment. Dark, Gritty and Violent. Non-PC and one hell of a ride!
BloodHunt 5 page sample
NOW all closed since MAI 25th.
All backers who got a physical book tier, gets the stretch goal rewards.
$5 000: Two backers will be randomly selected to be on the Variant Wrap-Around Cover + Everyone will get a mini print of a new exclusive illustration + Vincent’s business card + 20 sketch cards will be made & randomly inserted in books. (unlocked)
$7 000: 4 extra pages of story + 20 more sketch cards will be made & randomly inserted in books. (total 40). (unlocked)
$10 000: Every backer of a physical BH tier will get a sketch card added to their perk + 4 extra pages of extra bonus content. (unlocked)
$15 000: ?
Another BloodHunt 4 page sample.
SIM; Creator, Writer & Illustrator.
ADAM A.F; Co-writer (Dialogues)
DAVID VILA; Letterer.
What you get;
- All books are signed
- A Beautiful high quality B&W graphic novel, Square-bounded softcover.
- Exclusive & limited BloodHunt sticker.
- Constant update, here, You Tube, Facebook & Twitter.
- Physical book tier backers will also get the digital, It will be sent after the book.
- 100% unadulterated , unpolitical, non-PC & unapologetic entertainment.
What we need:
We need the funding to get the book lettered & printed. I already got 52 pages inked on 64 so this book is very close to being done, you might even get it in advance ;)
W.I.P. Variant B&W Cover.
Exclusive & Limited Art Print numbered & signed.
About SIM
SIM, I'm a Canadian comic book creator/Artist & Storyboard/Concept Artist from Montréal. I've been a indie comic creator since 2009, when I first self-published: The Wolfdragon comic. Later I started a very fruitful collaboration with ZIDARA 9, a french sci-fi anthology, from 2012 to 2016, where I published my creator-owned properties characters like; Nat the Merc, Helena Roze: Space-Pirate, Loani, Abigail Fate & Beta Test. I've worked for Heroes of the North the comic, an award winning web-series of Canadian Superheroes.
HUGE fan of S.Bisley, F.Miller, M.Silvertri, Jim Lee, G.Capullo, Dale Keown, Arthur Adams, Mike Mignola. I'm also into Mangas like: Appleseed, Alita B-A, Trigun, Hellsing a french comics titled The Metabarons by A.Jodorowsky & J.Gimenez & Heavy Metal magazine (Métal Hurlant).
The book is already 90% done, 58 pages on 68 are inked. We have set the date to November at first but because of the 1 month campaign extension + waiting 3 month & a half for the money, The decision was made to move the date to February & March 2020, to give us enough time to get the book complete, proofread, lettered, Print filed & printed. Then prepare the packages for backers, sketches & other rewards. (updated)
Risks & Challenges
The book is already 80% done,I just need to finish the campaign so I can close the, be in the comic tiers & finish the book.
If we reach the Epic version it might take an extra month but you will be informed about the progress.
The printing & shipping could also have delays but We're planning on printing locally, giving us a quick printing & less risk. ONE thing's for sure. no matter what.
( No refund possible once we go Indemand )
SIM's project line up.
My previous self publication, The Art of SIM Anthology.
Collecting all my previous publication in Zidara9 from 2012 to 2016.
Follow me on;
You Tube.