Short Summary
The Boss, a power hungry, 'Capitalist King' hangs in a trash chute, waist down in filth, and he relishes every bit of it. When he is saved
by a fireman, two detectives are assigned to the case, a young woman thirsty for
justice and an old veteran ready to retire. She suspects the Boss's pleasure in this
filthy torture; but, before she can solve the mystery, he overrides her -- bringing the young detective to her death. Boss is
about power hungry individuals living in a Capitalist society, playing by
their own rules and who will stop at nothing to satisfy their inner needs and
desires. A very relevant film as it touches on today’s controversies regarding
power, money, and sex.
We Are
Zareie (Producer & Director of Photography) – an inspired young film
student at the University of Miami. As a lover of the power of cinema, I seek
to create stories and images that resonate the true strength of this artistic
medium. My dream is to connect humanity together, using the power of these
untold perspectives. I'm sure we can all agree that we've felt that feeling, you know, when the film ends and the credits roll. When it is all over and you realize how moved you feel. Films touch and inspire people
and that is what I am striving towards in all of my work as a filmmaker.
Rubino (Director) – an experienced director and cinematographer. He has been
using a camera since he was a young child. His curiosity for the medium sparked
him to make his first film when he was only 9 about Legos! He is in his last
year at the graduate program at University of Miami and has just had his Hard Corn film get accepted to the Cine
Pobre Film Festival.
writer – prefers to remain anonymous; however, he is a veteran screenwriter,
producer, and director with more than three decades of experience in the film
Ø The more money you guys help us to raise for the project, the
higher the production quality can be for the final cut! We want to be able to
compensate the artists for their help; as, it is important to support the
community so we can all evolve together!
If you too believe in the importance
of our project and want to help but can't afford to contribute money, you can
still pitch in by sharing this campaign with as many people as possible: with
friends and family, on your social media and all over the Internet. Just remember
to use the indiegogo Share Tools! Raising awareness will not only help get the
word out about this important story, but you could also help someone who might
want to contribute discover our campaign. With your help, together we can make
this project a reality!
What We Need & What
You Get
Aside from compensating all of the
actors for bringing this story to life, providing them with food and reimbursing them for their travels, we are looking to compensate engineers as well. We will be employing student engineers to help design and build the trash shoot, that will allow camera access, in which the Boss will be wedged for the opening scene. Additionally we will need their help and expertise to
build a toilet that will allow us to film from the hole in which waste flushes
down. Last, but not least, we will need to feed the crew on these long shoot days and provide establishments with whatever they need to let us shoot on location.