"Broken" is a sci-fi, post-apocalyptic film in the vein of Mad Max and Blade Runner, and it is set in a sci-fi world called ESOTERA.
I'm Nick LaRovere, a director/producer in Phoenix, Arizona (I'm also a huge fan of the above franchises). I've been doing this stuff for a while, but with your help, we can tell a meaningful story that explores ideas of freedom, free will, and what it means to be a slave to circumstances. Here's a compilation and intro to what we've done so far:
"BROKEN" follows "IX-24", a boy who is taken slave to serve as a genetically modified miner. He's perfectly suited to collecting the valuable resource now used to create incredibly long-lasting power sources in the year 2087. However, when he and his ragtag brothers break through to the surface and run for freedom, he is directed down a path where he must resist his environment, choose his fate, or die.
This is both an adventure and exploration of complex moral issues, and something that you can help bring to the screen. In fact, without your assistance, its creation is not possible.
This project is a stepping stone from which we will continue to make more awesome content for all of you; citizens of the web, lovers of a good story, and science fiction fans. Your support on this film will help our team, and I know we can do much, much more. I wish to use our passion for the art to make powerful films with thought-provoking threads. If the film sparks a discussion with a friend, then we've succeeded.
Not only that, my ultimate goal (down the road) is to expand the ESOTERA universe (more details below), and make a feature film in the near future, and make audience involvement in our journey of creating the films as fun as the viewing.
We need money, of course (though attention doesn't hurt...).
Here's our budgetary breakdown, simplified for easy reading:
About 1/3 of our expenses are for cast and crew. Though we are trying to be frugal with our budget, we want to show our appreciation to the hard-working and talented people that make the film possible. We want to do that by paying them at least a small fee. It's is nowhere near their professional rates, but it's a start.
In the event we can't reach a certain threshold of funding, we will be forced to refund all contributions and go back to the drawing board. We can't do this on our own.
If we are close to that threshold, we will have to carefully consider the budget and see if it is possible to make the film with what we have, while being faithful to our goal of excellent quality, and being honest with the money you are entrusting to us.
If we determine we can make it work with what we've raised, chances are the first thing to go away will be the payment for cast and crew. This is a risk that the cast and crew understands and is willing to accept. However, I want to show our appreciation for their hard work--so let's push for reaching the full goal amount!
Now you're asking, 'what do I get in return for my invaluable assistance?' Here it is:
- A bunch of other great perks based on how much you contribute
- Unique opportunities to peek into our filmmaking process
- The chance to experience our journey with us
- A warm, fuzzy feeling for being nice to us
With my team, I have created many successful projects, and we will do so again! Introducing... the key team members!
Director - Nick LaRovere (www.nicklarovere.com)
- Nick has directed and produced a variety of content for businesses, artists, and brands, as well as produced two feature films and other narrative content. He is always striving to become a better storyteller and share engaging content. He loves the works of H.P. Lovecraft, Isaac Asimov, and is a fan of films like Blade Runner and Mad Max: Fury Road.
Cinematographer - Joseph Mbah
- Joseph has led the camera team on more than a few projects, including multiple feature films, many music videos, and short films, as well as commercial content. He is well known for his unwavering work-ethic and die-hard dedication to craft. He is also a director, and his recent feature film, "Expo", is in post-production. He is constantly working on his cinematic universe "Paradox Universe" (www.paradoxuniverse.net).
Production Coordinator - Linda Curtin
- Linda, while newer to the film industry, brings over 2 decades of professional experience in project management and problem-solving from the corporate realm. She has achieved successful careers in electrical engineering and software engineering and has made film her new focus. She is key to organizing the project and getting things done, and a key producer on the ESOTERA team.
Producer - Jack Dalleywater
- Jack is a well-rounded producer who's insight and attention to constant improvement make him an invaluable member of the team. He has assistant directed a feature film and produced videos for various production companies, and is a key producer on the ESOTERA team.
...And SO MANY MORE! There are so many talented and dedicated people that help make this thing happen, but the list would take up SO MUCH space, we can't put everyone else. The team's skills are what make projects like this possible.
There are always challenges coming left and right. However, that's part of the process! We have learned to 'roll with the punches' and push forward, working toward our common goal and achieving results, no matter what.
In particular, it will be challenging to ensure that the costumes and casting are well-done. That said, those will be done before we start shooting, so they pose little risk to the actual completion of the film. I have some great professionals assisting me with these, and I will also use my professional experience to get what we need.
This film is part of a larger universe, ESOTERA (www.esoteraonline.com) that will continue to build in content. This film will be used to help further the universe and make more wonderful films for you to enjoy, including (down the road) feature films, video games, and more! Here's "Drifter", one of our previous films:
We get it. If you are on a tight budget (we are too!), and just can't help with cash, you can help in other ways.
- Sharing this campaign with people you think might be interested by...
- Sharing on your Facebook feed
- Personally sending the link to friends or family (this one helps A LOT!)
- Telling others this rad film you want to see come to fruition!
Push, push, push! Let's promote this thing, and make it happen!
We are excited to bring this idea to the screen, and we hope you can jump in and join in on our excitement and experience the process with us! We thank you for all your support.