The dark and twisted art of Dave Kang
The dark and twisted art of Dave Kang
The dark and twisted art of Dave Kang
The dark and twisted art of Dave Kang
This campaign is closed
The dark and twisted art of Dave Kang
The dark and twisted art of Dave Kang
The dark and twisted art of Dave Kang
The dark and twisted art of Dave Kang
The dark and twisted art of Dave Kang
Hello my name is Dave Kang and I am a concept artist living in Toronto. This is the pre-sale campaign for my creation ‘Brush and Blood’. The artwork for this book was a labour of passion completed over the past three years. This campaign seeks to raise funds to pay for the printing of a first edition of 100 hardback full-color picture book.
I have been a horror fan all my life and I’ve always wanted to create a terrifying horror world of my own. A simple sketch became a full creature, a page of ideas became dozens of bloody paintings...the moment I thought I was done with everything, a new idea had me opening my sketchbook again. After so many sketchbooks and bottles of wine, I've decided to make a new horror art book out of them. BRUSH AND BLOOD omits a few things but it holds large amount of visions I had for the world of terror. With your love and support, it is my sincere belief that we can finish this book. I'm having so much fun working on it, and I hope that you will love the book as much as I do.
What's the reason for this campaign?
For the past two years I've received a lot of messages from the folks who missed the book sale of Year of the Ladybug. Originally I was just going to print more copies and relaunch the campaign but it was just not as exciting to me. Instead I started working on a new book called Brush and Blood and it will be completed by coming December. Please do note that some of the contents come from Year of the Ladybug if you have a copy of the first book from 2018.
The nightmarish experience I had with the shipping of the first book back in 2018 taught me a big lesson. Instead of copying and pasting the address registered by the backers I must contact each backer individually to confirm the correct address IN ENGLISH. It will be tedious but it is absolutely necessary in order to do this right. The sheer amount of returned items and reshipping cost made me hesitant to start a new book but my will to create is simply unstoppable. I'm going to treat each shipment as if I'm sending a gift to my aunt oversea. Other risks and challenges? I want myself and everyone to stay healthy and safe.
If you're unable to contribute, you can still help by sharing our campaign through social media. Please help us to get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
Thanks in advance for your support!
過去2年間、てんとう虫の年の本の販売を逃した人々からたくさんのメッセージを受け取りました。もともと私はもっと多くのコピーを印刷してキャンペーンを再開するつもりでしたが、それは私にとってそれほどエキサイティングではありませんでした。代わりに、Brush and Bloodという新しい本の作成を開始し、12月までに完成する予定です。 2018年の最初の本のコピーをお持ちの場合、一部のコンテンツはてんとう虫の年のものであることに注意してください。どうもありがとうございます:)
안녕하세요 강대웅입니다. 2018년에 판매하였던 이어오브더레이디버그 아트북에 대해서 문의하셨던 분들 생각하며 같은 책으로 다시 런칭하려고 했습니다. 하지만 그러기에는 뭔가…. 재미 없더라고요. 기왕 하는 거 더 좋은 책을 다시 만들자는 결심을 하게 되었고 지난 2년 동안의 새로운 작품들과 이어오브더레이디버그 그림들을 업그레이드시켜서 브러시엔 블러드를 런칭하게 되었습니다. 지금 진행되고 있는 게임 소식은 유튜브로 계속해서 전해 드리고 저는 그림쟁이로서 작품 활동에 집중하겠습니다. 늘 응원해 주시는 여러분들 진심으로 감사드립니다. 책 멋지게 만들어서 곱게 보내드리겠습니다. 스페셜 패키지에 그림을 드린다는 건 프린트가 아니고 오리지날 연필그림임을 알려드립니다!:)