This campaign is closed

Building the Mead Hall and Venue

A remodel of Wyrd Leather and Mead, which will include a fully functional mead hall and venue space.

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Building the Mead Hall and Venue

Building the Mead Hall and Venue

Building the Mead Hall and Venue

Building the Mead Hall and Venue

Building the Mead Hall and Venue

A remodel of Wyrd Leather and Mead, which will include a fully functional mead hall and venue space.

A remodel of Wyrd Leather and Mead, which will include a fully functional mead hall and venue space.

A remodel of Wyrd Leather and Mead, which will include a fully functional mead hall and venue space.

A remodel of Wyrd Leather and Mead, which will include a fully functional mead hall and venue space.

Wyrd Leatherworks And Meadery
Wyrd Leatherworks And Meadery
Wyrd Leatherworks And Meadery
Wyrd Leatherworks And Meadery
2 Campaigns |
Portland, United States
$12,321 USD 110 backers
123% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
The project team has not yet produced a working demo for their concept. Their ability to successfully produce a prototype may be affected by product development or financial challenges.
Lightbulb Wrench Warehouse Truck
Concept Prototype Production Shipping
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Warriors of Wyrd, 

The time has come...

We are proud to announce the next chapter of our business and we will be rebranding ourselves as Wyrd Leatherworks and Meadery LLC. This new transition will include a fully functional and medieval themed mead hall and a new venue space for live acts. With this new Indiegogo campaign, we are reaching out to our friends, followers, supporters, and to our clan to help us achieve our goal.

By backing us on Indiegogo here is what you would be helping create:

The New Meadery

As production increases and demands has risen, we are outgrowing our current meadery space. With this new space, we will double the currently available brewing space, which means we will be able to increase overall production volume, as well as increase our quantities of mead. With multiple recent releases selling out within days, and expanding our market to include shipping to over 40 states, we want to meet the demands of our thirsty patrons! The space will also allow us to have room for a new brewery section, where we can make braggots (think honey beer). Funds go exclusively into acquisition of our new space and equipment needed to operate. Any additional funds will be used to expand inventory and food selection, any unforeseen expenses during the buildout, all while aiming to provide the greatest immersive experience possible while visiting us.

The New Mead Hall

With the acquisition of this new space, we are planning to open a brand new feature to our business. A fully functional mead hall, which is something that doesn't exist currently in Portland. Our mead hall will be a place where friends can gather, sit down and have some food and mead, while being immersed within an atmosphere transporting you back to times of old with medieval vibes. We plan to go all out with the aesthetic of the space to make it a truly unique experience. This will include wooden tables and chairs, barrels, banners on the walls, swords, axes, and anything you might find in a medieval tavern or mead hall. We plan to serve our mead on tap, as well as other mead from other regional meaderies with whom we have become close along with a selection of complimentary food items.

The Venue

Within the Mead Hall, this new space has a room that we would like to dedicate to being a venue space. Portland right now has seen the loss of many venues over the years, and we are slowly losing places where local acts and touring acts can play. We know so many musicians from around the globe and we would love to be able to offer a space for them to play, even if it isn't the biggest around. This space can include live shows, performances, karaoke nights, themed parties or game nights, and more!

The Storefront

Our shop isn't going away! Included in this new space is ample room to continue our current operations as a storefront, where we will continue to host our own leather and mead products and feature local artists work on consignment. We will just have a little more space!

The Leather Workshop

Our leather goods department will still be functional and operating the same as we always have! We may even have more space to work, as well as the ability to get better equipment for the department down the road. All leather goods will still be available in our storefront, don't worry!

Heed the Call

Those are the features that we wish to bring to the table. Our goal is to create a totally unique place in Portland, something that will make us stand out from every other bar, meadery, and leather goods shop around. We want to take people out of the modern world and into medieval fantasy, where folks can relax after a hard days questing. By backing us on Indiegogo, you are helping us turn this dream into reality!

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Choose your Perk

Wyrd Sticker + thank you

$5 USD $10 USD (50% off)
Wyrd Mead Sticker and a personal thank you note.
Included Items
  • Wyrd sticker
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
2 claimed

$10 gift certificate

$10 USD $11 USD (9% off)
Receive a $10 gift card towards product once operational. This will be valid both in our shop as well as the mead hall.
Included Items
  • $10 gift card
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
8 claimed
Ships worldwide.

$25 gift card

$25 USD $26 USD (3% off)
$20 gift card for goods/services once operational
Included Items
  • Wyrd sticker
  • $20 gift card
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
28 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Shirt + gift card

$50 USD $60 USD (16% off)
A Kickstarter Exclusive T-Shirt and a $20 gift card to be used once operational.
Included Items
  • Wyrd sticker
  • $20 gift card
  • Wyrd T-shirt
Estimated Shipping
January 2021
14 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Shirt + drinking horn

$100 USD $130 USD (23% off)
A hand made drinking horn by us with your name carved into it!
Included Items
  • Wyrd sticker
  • Wyrd T-shirt
  • Custom drinking horn
Estimated Shipping
January 2021
21 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Shield of Heroes

$150 USD $200 USD (25% off)
Your name will be carved onto one of the shields we plan to hang in the Mead Hall, forever immortalizing yourself as a true Warrior of Wyrd who helped us reach our dream.
Included Items
  • Wyrd sticker
  • Wyrd T-shirt
  • Immortalized in a hall shield
Estimated Shipping
January 2021
25 claimed
Ships worldwide.

3 Hour Private Party

$500 USD $750 USD (33% off)
The whole bar is yours for 3 hours! Throw a party or plan an event and invite all of your friends. Bartender/Security will be on staff and includes a $100 gift card toward goods/services. Available once fully operational.
Included Items
  • Wyrd sticker
  • Wyrd T-shirt
  • Immortalized in a hall shield
  • $100 gift card
Estimated Shipping
February 2021
5 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Private Mead Hall Party

$1,000 USD $1,500 USD (33% off)
The whole Mead Hall is all yours for the night! Put together a private party, gathering or event. Includes bartender/security and $100 gift certificate toward goods/services. Normal operating hours apply. Available once fully operational.
Included Items
  • Wyrd sticker
  • Wyrd T-shirt
  • Custom drinking horn
  • Immortalized in a hall shield
  • $100 gift card
Estimated Shipping
February 2021
1 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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