Bullets Of Justice
Bullets Of Justice
Bullets Of Justice
Bullets Of Justice
Bullets Of Justice
Pilot episode of TV series
Pilot episode of TV series
Pilot episode of TV series
Pilot episode of TV series
This campaign is closed
Bullets Of Justice
Pilot episode of TV series
Pilot episode of TV series
Pilot episode of TV series
Pilot episode of TV series
Pilot episode of TV series
Relaunched campaign: https://igg.me/at/bulletsofjustice2
“Bullets of Justice” is a pilot episode of TV series in the genre of black satire, action, horror. During the filming process we decided to allocate post-production budget into shooting in order to express our ideas the way we wanted to. As most of the scenes require a lot of visual effects, we need your help so we could finish the product and deliver it.
It is an independent project created by friends with the idea to finish the pilot episode as an introduction for future series. As an appreciation for your help we've compiled a set of perks which includes masks, props that were used during the shooting and even a role in the next episode.
Behind the Scenes: Shooting day with Danny Trejo
We will make sure that the pilot episode of "Bullets Of Justice" will intrigue you in the most interesting ways.
You can always contact us if you have any questions:
Thank you for the support!
Danny Trejo Jacket perk (only 3 available):
Real World News:
28 Jan 2017, Article The Guardian "First human-pig 'chimera' created in milestone study"