Hola amigos!
I got something very special to share with you!
I am making a documentary about Peruvian Japanese cuisine and the way it has transcended fusion to become culture. Through the eyes of the chefs who today push it forward both in Lima and Tokyo.
Many of you probably don't know, but since the days of the Sakura Maru, the ship that brought the first Japanese immigrants to Latin America. Peruvian and Japanese cultures have intertwined, creating a new Peruvian experience, the Nikkei experience.
This experience has changed the landscape of Peruvian cuisine in ways many of us don’t even realize. Giving birth to a cuisine that’s neither Peruvian nor Japanese, it’s Nikkei.
We are featuring some of the biggest names in Nikkei cuisine right now, and they will share with us their journey to be able to serve their identity on every plate.
I am in Lima, Peru right now and I need your help. This film is gonna cost around 30 thousand dollars to make, we have already managed to secure 15 thousand at this time but we need another 15 thousand dollars to help make this film the best it can be, and finally give Nikkei cuisine the film and documentary it deserves.
This is a film that we have been looking for and since we couldn’t find it, we have decided to do it ourselves.
It has been a year of research and pre-production so far and we are almost there! Please help us and let’s make this happen!