What if ruined places were rebuilt? What if desolate properties became beautiful gardens? What if trash-filled alleys were cleaned up? What if the sounds of gunshots and sirens were replaced with the music and laughter? What if, instead of becoming hopeless and intimidated by the darkness, we chose to arm ourselves with courage and love, and repossess the land?
In July 2014, we as a Burn community embarked on a journey of dreaming for the impossible. We took possession of a mansion located in the very center of Harrisburg’s ghetto. The stories of how we each came here may seem random, but we believe we are here for a specific reason. God is setting the stage for something extraordinary. He strategically brought us, as light-bearers, to one of the darkest places in this city.
What We Need & What You Get
We are hoping to raise at least $25,000 to begin the fundraising process of purchasing The Mansion. Owning the property will empower us to maintain our presence in Allison Hill and continue in the momentum of seeing this desolate neighborhood be revived.
With each donation we are giving away an item that ties you directly into the vision of the house - CDs detailing hope for transformation, a framed photo of our neighborhood or a t-shirt signed by one of the many children in our area. We want to connect you with what we are doing and see those you are impacting!
NOTE: The deal on this house is RIDICULOUS! For those wondering, this 20-room, 15 bathroom property could be ours for just $189,000!
The Impact
They say the night is darkest before the dawn. This neighborhood we live in, known as “Allison Hill,” is at such a point. Crime, poverty, broken families, drug abuse, prostitution and murder are just to name a few.
A glimpse into Harrisburg and Allison Hill:
Allison Hill has more single mother households than 98.4% of all neighborhoods in America.
The residents of Allison Hill have a lower average income than 96.4%of all neighborhoods in America.
65.7% of the children live under the poverty line.
Harrisburg is rated as the 25th most dangerous city in America.
Since September of this year, there have been 4 homicides within a 2 block radius of our house.
This is a vicious cycle of hopelessness that will continue, until somebody stands up and challenges the system.
Your contribution makes it possible for us to continue to reach our neighborhood through prayer, worship and practical needs. Whether it's playing with neighborhood kids, helping a family about to be evicted, feeding the residents of Allison Hill, our heart is to touch individual lives with the love and power of Jesus.
Risks & Challenges
Allison Hill is no stranger to non-profit and governmental attempts at curbing the decline of its condition; however, we understand that attacking the symptoms without addressing the root will only enable the destructive cycles to continue. If our neighborhood is to see its glory restored, it must see Jesus - in you and in me.
Since July, the house has become a home for young adults wanting to be hope reformers to the neighborhood, a gathering center for worship and prayer, and a facility to train city transformers.
We are not hidden away from the experiences of our neighbors, we have planted ourselves in the middle of it - homicides happening regularly, drugs trafficked all around us, and prostitution taking place just beyond our front door. But
these people are our neighbors. They are people. That's why we live here!
Other Ways You Can Help
You might be stirred to help, but aren't able to give financially - that's okay!
You can help us right now by sharing this campaign on social media, forwarding it to your e-mail address book and sharing it with those that you think would be interested in helping out.
You can even come labor alongside us as we continue to make progress in restoring The Mansion so that we can better reach the neighborhood!
Take a moment to pray, and do something.