Listen to the single from the Album here:
Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for taking the time to watch the above video and for your support so far.
The album is now 80% complete (a few new songs have snuck in at the last minute!) and I am now in the stages of recording the finishing touches.
As an independent artist I have been funding this creation all myself and I have come to the stage now where I really need to ask for your support in completing this.
In order to help me do this I have decided to offer my album for pre-order, alongside some other special gifts.
My target
My target of £3000 will allow me to pay for the final recording, mixing and mastering of the album along with the art work and the printing of the CD's.
If I am fortunate enough to receive over the target amount, all money would then go towards helping fund my tour and the making of a music video.
Gigs on my tour currently include:
The Lake District
Hackney, London
Forest Row
Glastonbury, Oxford and more to be announced
details can be found on my Facebook page:
The Journey. Birthing the Album
Over this past two years whilst writing this material I have been travelling a lot and shared these songs in many different settings and situations: from the jungles and mountain sides of Central and South America, to forest and festival gatherings in the UK, from solo gigs and ceremonies, to bigger venues alongside incredible artists such as Ayla Nereo.
On this journey I have seen and felt the power of the words and the music to touch people, and that is humbling and beautiful to be a part of.
The message behind the album
Calling Us Home is a gentle and passionate call back into connection with the Earth and to remember the wonder, fragility and beauty of this life.
These songs are in honour of the great mystery and the Earth, our constant companions.
This is what the album is about at its core.
I know and believe in the huge power music has to inspire, empower and mobilise. At this crucial point in our history as a species it feels more important that ever, to share what it is we have to share and make positive change in the world. One seed, one deed or one song at a time.
I hope these songs can be part of that.
Songs can be a flaming arrow, a beacon, a spark in the collective darkness we can sometimes feel ourselves to be in. On a personal level these songs have been great teachers for me and their presence in my life has certainly brought me healing and purpose for which I am forever grateful.
If in some small way I can be part of helping to create some healing through this music, some reconnection, some inspiration, I will feel very blessed.
My intention
My prayer for this album is that it may be a calling home, to the earth, to your sense of belonging here, to your heart and sense of connection to life. And that it may inspire you to share your own gifts, the gifts we all must give if we are to turn the tide at this point in history.
Final words
I am so grateful to you all, friends near and far, known and unknown, for all your support and encouragement. I hope this album and these songs will give back to you as much as your love and support has given me.
I feel fully confident that, with your help, my album will be ready for release on April 18th 2019 and I am so excited to be doing a whole month of touring to celebrate the release of this in April and into May.
Thank you for being part of helping get these songs out into the world. For being a midwife to this creation. May we all create positive ripples that go out into the world.