Camp Omigosh Is Waiting for You...
Connor's summer is off to a rough start: the camp bus almost crashes, his cabin mates don't trust him, and the girls on the other side of the camp constantly outsmart him. But when he and his friends Tasha, Parker, and Kimberly investigate the mystery surrounding the "Ghost of Dead Billy," they begin a hilarious adventure that is worlds away from your typical campfire story.
What Are You Waiting For?
The novel will be released on June 13th, just in time for summer break. You can be the first to order the e-book version ($5) or the print edition ($25) by ordering one of the perks. If now isn't a good time to be spending more money on yet another awesome middle grade novel, don't worry -- we know what it's like to empty out your bank account while visiting the bookstore. But you can help out Camp Omigosh without spending a dime! All you have to do is spread the word about this project!
Meet the Author: Wade Bradford
I'm a playwright (Promedy, CSI: Neverland, Tomorrow's Wish) and I'm an author of picture books (Why Do I Have to Make My Bed?). My latest work is Camp Omigosh, a middle grade novel filled with humor, mystery, and LOTS of surprises.
Two years ago, a sixth grade teacher shared the first draft with her students, reading one new chapter every week. The kids had a blast, and it inspired me to further develop and enhance the story. I have partnered up with Skyrocket Press, a new up-and-coming publishing company led by author Laurisa White Reyes. Together, we hope to share CAMP OMIGOSH with the world. But we need a little help to spread the word... That's where you come in!
If you help us fund our campaign, we will be able to:
- Finalize the art work. ($250)
- Complete the editing process. ($250)
- Professionally format the text. (+100)
- Market and distribute the book! (Extra $$$)
(This is me, trying to be all smiley.)
Meet the Camp Counselor: Mr. Warren...
Why Crowdfunding?
Because CAMP OMIGOSH is a wonderful mash-up of genres (comedy, suspense, supernatural, sci-fi, mysetry, you-name-it) it's not an easy book for traditional publishers to embrace. But it is a book that kids will love. (The students of Plum Canyon Elementary have proven this theory. Thanks, guys!)
When you purchase the e-book or print copy of CAMP OMIGOSH you will not only be the first to experience this exciting new middle grade adventure... You will also be developing a new way books are published. Laurisa White Reyes' Skyrocket Press offers a new philosophy to book making, one that develops unique children's books for unique readers.
Thank you for helping us bring CAMP OMIGOSH to life.
And when you read the book, loyal campers, don't forget...