The Government published the Investigatory Powers Bill at the
start of November 2015. Theresa May says it will be ‘world
leading’ and that’s right – if this Bill is passed, the UK will
have one of the most extreme surveillance laws of any democracy.
The fact that this Bill has been published is largely down to
Edward Snowden. His leaks showed that GCHQ had created mass
surveillance programmes without informing the public or even
At first, the Government refused to confirm or deny that the
Snowden leaks were true. Now they’ve put all the powers he
described into a law – and even proposed to extend surveillance
further by forcing Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to keep a record
of our Internet activity.
ORG has been calling for the Government to be transparent about
what they were doing. Now that we know, we are calling for a
surveillance law that means only people who are suspected of crime
are put under surveillance.
What does the Bill mean?
The police, security services and
even organisations like HMRC can hack your phone or computer. This
can be done on a mass scale by the intelligence agencies who can
hack people and organisations who are not under suspicion in order
to try to get to their targets.
ISPs will be forced to keep a
record of the apps we use and the websites we visit. It doesn't
matter whether you are suspected of a crime or not – all of our
data will be linked together so it can be searched and analysed by
the police. Other organisations like the Food Standards Agency can
also analyse this data.
The security services can continue
tapping hundreds of underground cables to scoop up and snoop on our
communications in real time.
The security services can access and analyse databases of
personal information about millions of people who are not suspected
of any crime. These include things like the phone book, the
electoral roll or for example, a database of everyone going to an
Challenging the Government's PR machine
In the run up to
the publication of the Bill, the intelligence agencies embarked on an unprecedented PR campaign,
whether giving interviews to the One Show or showing The Times around
GCHQ’s Cheltenham headquarters. There were leaks about what might
be in, timed to look like the Government had made concessions. Post publication, the Government has claimed that the Bill would mean judges authorise surveillance –
at best this is just a rubber stamp.
The public have also been repeatedly told that if you have nothing to
hide, you have nothing to fear. We need to challenge this sweeping statement and show people just
what is at stake. We may not have things to hide but we all have
things we want to keep private, safe and secure. If this Bill is
passed, there can be no guarantee that we can do this.
We want to show the public what the IPB really means
Many people were outraged by the Snowden revelations. But the
Government is using fear of terrorism to persuade the public that
they should give up their rights. We need to show more members of the public that
what the Government is proposing is mass surveillance and it does have serious
implications for their privacy and security. We have just a few months to persuade them, the
media and our MPs that this draft law needs to be changed before it
it passed by parliament.
We want to launch a public-facing campaign in February, which is a
crucial time for the IPB. The Joint Committee, who are examining the
Bill, will report back in February and there will be media and political interest in what they have to say. At this point we, with the help of our supporters and the public, need to put
pressure on MPs and members of the House of Lords who will amend,
debate and vote on the Bill.
The focal point of this campaign will be a short film that shows
exactly what mass surveillance means and the implications of what the
Government is proposing. If we raise enough money, we will also
produce other marketing materials, such as ads and flyers to increase awareness of the issue.
By raising public awareness, we want to galvanise people into
taking action against the Bill. Some people think we are powerless
but we have fought off the last Snoopers' Charter (twice) and we can
fight this Bill as well.
The IPB could change the relationship between each of us and the State. We can’t let the British public sleepwalk into this. Please support our campaign and help us to fight back against mass surveillance.