Who We Are, Why We're Here
We are two self-employed Astrologers on the verge of... something big.
Something very big.
And very personal.
But we are sharing it here because, well, we announced our engagement on our respective Facebook pages and everyone asked where the registry was.
Registry? Huh?
I'm not your typical bride. Eek!
Marriage license: done.
Wedding date selected: done.
This Is Really Happening Freak-Out: IN PROGRESS.
I'm 43. Never married.
For those astrologers out there reading this, I have a Moon Pluto conjunction in my First House and a *very* lone wolf chart.
I thought love was out of the question for me.
And I talk and write to clients every day who believe love and commitment is out of the question for them too.
But I'm here to tell you that it's not. Miracles happen. And then the hard work begins :)
We met on line. Talked for a few years and finally met in person this summer and... here we are. Starting a new life together.
Do we need stuff?
Yeah we need stuff. Basic stuff.
We've each been alone a long time and come from small families.
We're getting married at the courthouse with one witness, him in his best jeans and black t-shirt and me searching for a dress that's perfectly me.
Indiegogo has some great prompts here. I love this one: "Express the magnitude of what contributors will help you achieve."
Contributers will allow us to... exhale. They, you, will give us a freedom that we wouldn't otherwise have.
The money here will feed us and feed our work and thus our service to our clients will get even stronger, better.
Where is the money going?
-Security deposit, first month's rent on new apartment (yep we need to move)
-Household items for bed, bath, and home office (including new computer)
-Honeymoon :)
And, by the way, I listed this campagin under WRITING (nothing quite fit) because we are bloggers/ writers and any exhalation time from the daily-do will likely be spent doing just that.
Matthew has a book in his bonnet (actually more than one), and if you know writers then you know their ideal world is coffee, a computer, and peace.
Your gift could help give us that peace.