Short promo video of some footage shot for the film. Includes actual footage (untouched) as well as a few behind the scenes snippets. Now you can see a little bit about what we are working on! The video also includes a sample demo track from composer William McTavish.
Teaser Poster (not the poster mentioned in the perks).
Short Summary
Candy Skin is the 4th short film from independent company Red Razor Pictures, a Canadian production company that focuses on making micro-budget short films.
This project is set to be the biggest yet, with the most unique storyline produced by the company. Candy Skin is about a man who within a moment is left alone in the world. Everyone has vanished, all life has disappeared. Alone and terrified he comes to face a horror that's greater than he thought possible. We promise the outcome will not only be unique, but also gory, strange and frightening. To reveal any more would spoil the surprise of where we are taking the storyline.
With this film, like with our previous film "Violet in Red Silk" we aim to mix sub-genres to create something that is a little less ordinary, and higher concept. We also plan to bring some very gory practical special effects to the film. This will certainly be our goriest film yet!
What We Need & What You Get
Because we focus on micro-budget short films for the time being, we are looking to fund a small amount to help pay for equipment rentals, as well as make-up for some of the gruesome practical special effects we hope to put on display. The more money we raise the better the practical effects can be! This will be our biggest budget yet and we're hoping to bring on some more crew to help out behind the scenes. Our previous shorts have consisted of only 1 or 2 people behind the scenes, this time we're hoping to have a number of hands and creative minds to help out in order to make this our most seamless and technically proficient short film yet!
We're hoping to make a bigger impact with "Candy Skin", where our other shorts have been featured in festivals and contests, we hope to push "Candy Skin" to an even wider audience and show what can be accomplished with creativity and a small budget when you have a hard-working and eager cast and crew who wants to create movies we love and movies audiences will respond to.
Because we are such a small production we have perks that align with what we are capable of committing to. We don't want to make promises we can't keep, so our perks are selected based on finished products we are associated with that are guaranteed to make it to your door - or as you might notice - to your computer screens!
All funds raised will go directly to the film, if for some reason there are extra funds after production, that money will go directly towards submission fees when it comes time to send the finished film off to film festivals.
On Scene FX (for our sinister practical effects)
We're very proud to have Michel Pennington of On Scene FX on board to create our practical special effects! On Scene FX can be visited at the link
HERE. They are a leading Ottawa special effects company that specializes in the gory and grotesque, originally starting out doing make-up for simulating realistic wounds during first aid courses, Michel has grown to provide his services to the charity event Zombie Walk for the past few years. Having worked as a paramedic and trained as a firefighter he is the expert in simulating authentic and even outrageous body trauma, and Candy Skin will be full of it!
Here's a quick picture of some make-up work he has down outside of Candy Skin (more info and pictures can be found at the link above!):
Risks & Challenges
Putting a film together requires time, money and passion. We've got the passion covered, now we just need to help raise some funds to make this the best it can be. With our previous works we operated on very low budgets. Violet in Red Silk was made on a budget of under $500 and so with an even larger budget comes a better opportunity for an even higher quality film. Practical effects require the know-how as well as a budget for the right high quality materials.
We plan to bring on a professional make-up artist for Candy Skin, as well as the very cool and talented William McTavish to compose some really awesome music, which we plan to incorporate as a synth driven soundtrack. The money we raise will be put towards what you hear and see onscreen, you will see where your money went!
You can check out some works by Mr McTavish here:
Previous Work
Here are some posters and stills from our previous short films, trailers can be found in the Gallery section:
Some production stills:
Violet in Red Silk (2014)
Production Stills:
Johnny in the Attic (2015)
Production Stills:
Other Ways You Can Help
If for any reason you can't contribute to the campaign then fear not, you can also help just by spreading the word, posting this link on social media and talking about it! Share our story and help get the word out!
Thank you all for your support and we can't wait to show you what we have been planning!