A book for every Somali who lives abroad and who wants to understand his/her religion, culture and heritage. Book was inspired by a woman, who saw Somalis turning into dozens of different nationalities only because they were brought up in another country. We have to remember who we are and where we come from, so that our offspring can live confidently in this world.
The book is meant for the whole family and it's written in understandble somali because we want everyone to benefit from it fully. The main topic in the book is our religion and our worldview. It will satisfy everyone who reads it iA.
The money that we are raising to help Somalis is going to be used for publishing the book and putting it in amazon which will help everyone get hold of the book. We are so happy that we can contribute to the growth of our somali community all over the world.
Help us reach publish this book and share forward!
Assalaamu calaykum wa raxmatullaahi wa barakaatu! Soomaalida caalamka ku faaftay waxa aanu u soo saarnay buug ay caqiidadooda ku ilaashtaan meel walba ay joogaan ayna ka walwalin noloshooda iyo ta ciyaalkooda toona. Waa buug loogu tala galay reerku inay isla akhristaan oo ay ka faaidaan. Wuxuu ku qoranyahay soomaali fudud oo si fiican loo fahmi karo.
Nagu caawi inaan buugan muhiimka ah caalamka oo dhan gaadhsiinno oodadkeenna ugu caawinno. Fadlan dadka kale sii gaadhsii!