It’s exciting
planning life a piece at a time this way, though there’s uncertainty to
go with it, and it makes income unpredictable and uneven. The recent
theft of much of my equipment and work complicates things. But the funds
raised here will, I hope, be enough to give me peace of mind and
fullness of pantry for the coming year, enabling me to concentrate on
working my hardest in 2015-2016 while I see more of the world.
For the rest of this month, I’m in Jackson, Wyoming at the Teton Artlab (the only year-round residency program within an hour of two national parks). Here, my research is primarily on creatures that live in extreme environments, like the vibrantly colored microbes of Yellowstone’s hot springs. In November through January, with the help of the Land Arts Mobile Research Center and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, I’ll take the train across the Australian continent, researching some of the species that thrive in the outback—I’ll continue to Tasmania and New Zealand, learning about the ecosystems there. In early 2016, I’ll return to the states, where I’ll be included in exhibitions in the Center for Art + Environment at the Nevada Museum of Art, the Yale School of Forestry, and Doane College. March and April will be spent at the Gushul Artist Residency in Crowsnest Pass, Alberta, where I’ll make paintings about the species and geology of the northern Rockies. May and June will have me in the San Juan Islands in Washington and at the Playa Residency in Oregon. And I’m applying for more residencies in an ongoing fashion.
I want so much to believe that this is a world in which--with enough dedication, hard
work, and imagination--one can survive and thrive in the pursuit of one's calling.
Travel expenses, student loans, food, and artmaking supplies are my
primary inescapable expenditures. Whether I barely meet my goal, or get
twice as much as I'm hoping for, any amount of money you pledge will go
to those ends.
Have a postcard mailed to you from any of the upcoming year’s research sites (you can specify if you’d like it to be from somewhere in particular).
A set of six postcards showcasing drawings of invasive species I encounter in the southern hemisphere. Each printed on one side with portrait of plant or animal; blank on the other side, so that you can scatter them across the globe as responsibly or irresponsibly as you like.
A set of eight full-color postcards digitally printed after paintings (created in residence at the Teton Artlab) of Yellowstone’s colorful thermal pools and geysers (see "Yellowstone miniature painting" perk below).
Truth in advertising! A tiny handmade surprise (probably a sketch or study), posted from a site of my choosing.
A graphite drawing on watercolor paper of an Australian species of your choice (plant or animal).
Small in size but not in impact: a tightly-rendered 2.5” x 3.5” painting of one of Yellowstone’s colorful thermal pools, handsomely framed (1 of 12 shown here--each will be different).
A set of five copperplate etchings made after my last major residency, featuring the coastal landscape of Svalbard, printed with the assistance of the excellent
Frol Boundin.
A larger painting on panel, between 16”x20” and 25”x50”. Neither strictly landscape nor portrait, but combining the land and figure, these pieces will integrate my ideas and impressions from either Yellowstone, Australia, or Alberta in typical narrative style (image above shows samples from previous campaign).
My Southern Hemisphere journal. Containing more than 200 pages of hand-bound drawings, paintings, and written observations, this will be the major artifact of my months in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. You can see previous journals I've done
here and
you pledge for a large piece, those could be a couple of years in the
making, and/or get hung up in exhibitions once they exist. I'm
streamlining the smaller incentives so that most everyone can get their
rewards in a briefer time frame than for the previous project (Maxine,
and Juan and Sharon, I have not forgotten you)--but whatever the
timeline, I really hope you'll love what you end up with.
Just about everyone I
know is struggling for enough time and money to make their own work, support their families, and pursue goals, so I
understand if you'd like to to pledge but can't--but if you feel so moved, please help spread the word. Thank you one and all for your good thoughts!