Check Yes or No
Check Yes or No
Check Yes or No
Check Yes or No
Check Yes or No
Do you want to kiss?
Do you want to kiss?
Do you want to kiss?
Do you want to kiss?
This campaign is closed
Check Yes or No
Do you want to kiss?
Do you want to kiss?
Do you want to kiss?
Do you want to kiss?
Do you want to kiss?
The Story:
"Check Yes or No" tells the story of a precocious and slightly unlikeable girl trying to get her first kiss. It's a film that captures what it was like to grow up as a child in the 90's, and explores the anxiety that surrounds one's first kiss. "Check Yes or No" was written by Kelechi Urama and placed in the top 20 scripts at Steeltown Film Factory 12-page Short Competition. The script later won a $5,000 production grant as part of Steeltown's Community Showcase contest.
Why it's important:
There's an unfortunate lack of coming-of-age stories about young girls (especially young girls of color), and we're excited to share such a universal story from a new point of view. However, "Check Yes or No" is more than a "first kiss" story--it's a story about family, friendship, and what it means to grow up.
What you can do to help:
Donating even a dollar helps! Don't have a dollar? A share or page like on Facebook goes along way!
Where the money will go:
Campaign contributions will go toward paying and feeding our crew and actors, post production costs, and festival fees. Since we are going to be working with children, we want to make sure that they are comfortable and well fed on set. We also plan on submitting Check Yes or No to as many festivals as possible, so contributions will also go toward paying submission fees.