My name is Todd Jenkins and I'm the producer, writer,director, and one of the lead actors on the film CHEROKEE CREEK. I've been working in front and behind the camera now for over 15 years. I've done just about every job at least once and some jobs several times. I've teamed up with good friend and fellow actor Billy Blair to help me get this movie produced and he will also be playing one of the lead actors. I know if you haven't seen my work you've seen his for sure. Billy is currently working on the movie ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL being produced by James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez and I'll be in the Nicolas Cage movie SOUTHERN FURY coming out in 2017. If you look at my track record and Billy's you will see a great mixture of both indie films and some cool studio projects but what you'll get in this one is way more of us on screen and that's a good thing. All the movies I've worked on as a producer have all received distribution offers and some are coming out this year and next so I know how to finish a movie. The reason we are making this film is because we believe that we have a unique opportunity to bring something to the fans that they've been craving for a long time. I know most films I work on play it safe and follow the formula but we are not on this one. Both Billy and I are huge fans of 80's horror and 80's films in general and truly believe with all our heart and passion that this movie has to be made no matter what. If we could fund this entire movie ourselves we would but unfortunately we are not that wealthy. I personally have went the Kevin Smith route and have invested over $12,000 buying additional gear needed and have been charging things on the credit card so that we could start filming. The truth is I can do almost every job on set but I can't write the score, do the special effects makeup, pay for all the food, or raise all the money alone. With your help no matter what you can give it will go toward us continuing to work on this film and believe me every dollar helps when it's coming out of your own pocket. If we can reach the $10,000 goal we will be able to deliver an amazing creature, fun gory deaths, strippers that appear at the bachelor party scene, a score that rocks, be able to eat on set, and hopefully have some left over to submit the finished film to festivals. Even if you can't give $1 please like our official Facebook page and spread the word about CHEROKEE CREEK. You just never know who might can help.