We value your feedback. Please complete a brief survey to help refine the final versions of the Choice Cap System.
There is now a secure choice for ostomates to better manage the activities of everyday living. The Choice Cap provides the needed security and confidence to lead an active lifestyle.
A part of you is always thinking about your ostomy; Am I moving too much? Does my pouch need to be emptied? Did I just smell something? Am I inconveniencing my partner? The active life you led before having to undergo an ileostomy or colostomy came to an abrupt halt while you tried to make sense of, and understand, what you now can and cannot do. Our founder and the medical professionals on the advisory board at TenCar have seen first-hand how these procedures affect people.
With the advent of The Choice Cap, Tencar has developed and produced a system that is simple to use and secure enough to enable you to resume an active lifestyle. Equipped with a firm outer cap and a locking attachment mechanism, you can return to the activities that make up YOUR active lifestyle. Activities with your children, social functions, walking, exercise, physical work, or intimacy - you can gain the assurance that your ostomy device is secure from leakage or detachment. Just the freedom to be yourself again.
Statement from the Founder
People don't often talk about it. The "young" are "too young to believe it's happening" ...
Seniors feel "suddenly old" ....
With all the available technology, I was just stunned that NOTHING's been done in a generation...but every day's a new day.
In my career as a Registered Nurse, I often see people on the worst day of their lives. I've witnessed so many confident, vibrant people struggle with anxiety and depression when faced with this. They avoid social situations, activity and intimacy. All the things that make life worth-while and frankly all the things that'll help them see this through, recover, and enjoy life to the fullest.
The Choice Cap™ will provide the security ostomates need, knowing the incidents of a colostomy bag coming loose will not occur, allowing them to return to those activities and social settings they once enjoyed!
It is not intended that the Cap be placed for extended periods of time and may be used with or without the pouch, it can be worn up to several hours, depending on the users' bowel habits. The length of time between emptying will vary.
The Choice Cap™ system may not be for everyone. We at Tencar, Inc. are all about the "CHOICE" and understand many ostomates struggles to find a product that fits into their existing lifestyle.
Our Mission is to provide a high quality product for those who are looking for a "Choice" in the products they use that will allow them to comfortably return to the active, social lifestyle they once enjoyed, and Improve the Quality of their Life!