Christmas in Kenya
UPDATE (12.20.14) - In just 3.5 wks, we have raised 34% of our $15,000 goal. We still have just under $10,000 to raise. Please help us spread the message of how Project 82 provides for children in Kenya. Every dollar donated through this campaign will be matched 100%.
This Christmas help us provide for our children in Kenya. Your donation will have an incredible impact on their lives, health and education by:
-Providing school age children uniforms, shoes
and books required to attend school
-Providing at-risk teenagers an opportunity to attend trade school to learn an employable skill that creates self-sustainability
-Providing food and healthcare for a child for one month
-Providing formula, food, diapers and healthcare for our infants and pre-schoolers
What We Need & What You Get
We need to raise $15,000 to support our children. A few of our donors have established a matching gift fund, so every donation made through Indiegogo will be matched, thus doubling your gift. 100% of all donations will go directly to providing for our children in Kenya.
The Impact
Too often we contribute to an organization without really knowing the impact of our contribution. Your donation goes directly to our children's homes, community programs and infant rescue home in Kenya. We will have pictures and videos of the school uniforms, shoes and books being received as well as the formula, diapers and medical care for our Infant Rescue home to share with you. YOU will have a direct impact upon the lives of our children by reshaping their futures.
Many of you participated in our Nanyuki Resupply campaign in September. After learning newborn children were being given Chai tea because the hospital did not have formula, you helped us raise $2,600 to purchase formula and diapers for delivery to the hospital by a mission team in October. Your gifts saved lives.
Kenya's current unemployment rate is 49%. The highest rate of suicide in Kenya is occurs in youth between the ages of 18 and 24. Many of these young adults were unable to attend school due to the inability to pay school fees or purchase a uniform or books. Many are forced to drop out of school to help provide financially for their family by doing light casual labor. Children don't "age-out" of our program at 18 years of age without life skills, they have an opportunity to learn a marketable trade.
We believe education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. In order for students to attend school and perform well, they need adequate shelter, food and a healthy environment. Good nutrition and healthcare begins at childbirth. It has always been our mission to take the 225 children in our homes and programs and go deep with them, providing them with every opportunity to stand on their own.
Ways You Can Help
Help us continue to improve the lives of our children. In addition to financial support you can help us with donations of items like school supplies, shoes, clothing, books, and toiletries. You will see those specific needs on our website as they arise. You can travel with us to Kenya on a mission trip and encourage, support and build relationships with our children.