Short Summary
In June of 2014, my wife and I were able to attend the combined American Samoa/Western Samoa General Conference of the United Pentecostal Church. We watched as many gathered to exalt the wonderful name of Jesus. Amongst those who were in attendance, was a newly formed group from the island of Savai'i in Western Samoa. This is the only Apostolic group on the island. Those who attended made great sacrifices selling coconuts just to attend their very first conference. I had the privilege of baptizing many of them at the conclusion of the conference including the village chief. Their zeal and excitement for the revelation of the name of Jesus is truly apostolic. The conversion of the chief resulted in him giving this newly formed work sufficient land to build a permanent place of worship in the village. The foundation has been laid, the walls have been erected and parts of the roof have just been placed. The building is still needing about $5000 (US) worth of work to be done. However, with $2000, they will be able to accomplish enough of the carpentry and masonry to be able to conduct services in the nearly completed facility.
My wife and I are attempting to spearhead this campaign because we have confidence that through our network of friends and your network of friends, together we can complete this project and share a part in the harvest of souls in Savai'i, Samoa.
What we are asking is quite simple. We are asking you to be a part by giving a $20 gift into this fund. Time is of the essence as our missionaries (Bennie and Pat Blunt) to the Samoas' will be retiring in a few short weeks. The dedication of this building would be a great way to culminate their 15+ years of service to the people of Samoa. We believe that God will speak to at least 200 people to give $20 each during this campaign. Is He speaking to you?
Rev. Michael Loscalzo