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Climate the Movie: Phase One

Override the Static.

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Climate the Movie: Phase One

Climate the Movie: Phase One

Climate the Movie: Phase One

Climate the Movie: Phase One

Climate the Movie: Phase One

Override the Static.

Override the Static.

Override the Static.

Override the Static.

Deb Whitaker
Deb Whitaker
Deb Whitaker
Deb Whitaker
2 Campaigns |
Concord, United States
$370 USD 8 backers
0% of $50,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects


CLIMATE opens with geologist Jocelyn Pelletier going to jail for "getting a divorce." 

Sitting on a hard metal bunk in a 6x10 concrete jail cell, charged with contempt of court during a contentious custody battle over her 14-year-old daughter Aubrey, Jocelyn's cellmate asks about her backstory. 

In flashbacks, we see the cold abrupt change in Jocelyn's once loving husband, the creeping alienation between Jocelyn and Aubrey, and the fist-clenching frustration in looking for resolve in a clueless and corrupt court system. 

As she finishes her story, Jocelyn reflects that her friend Brandy attributes the sudden disruption in her life to another woman, while her attorney assumes it's her ex-husband's drinking. Over the din of inmates clawing each other with their words, Jocelyn's cellmate asks her "What do you think?" 
 "I think the whole world has turned upside down."

Climate is based on my story, and the story of two friends of mine. I wrote CLIMATE soon after my own world turned upside down. 

Yet the more I shared this very personal and painful story of alienation, the more I came to realize CLIMATE is not just the story of the few. It's the story of the many.  Too many.  

Just about everyone has been touched by the alienation portrayed in CLIMATE, whether it's a friend, a family member, or a colleague.  It's the sad story of our times. 

We are out of tune, out of balance, out of time, AND out of touch... with our planet, with each other, and ourselves.

How do we even begin to try and change this? 

We believe change comes by RAISING AWARENESS through the healing power of story. 

When we are called by story, we pause whatever we are doing to ask one of life's most important questions: What happens next? Suddenly, we care.

Story connects. Intellectually grounded yet inspirational stories like CLIMATE help dissolve alienation. 

Through its emotionally provoking story and its timely message, CLIMATE can hopefully help with 'what happens next' by raising awareness and motivating others to care enough to act.  

Climate portrays this alienation in one of the most disturbing forms of all, parental alienation. 


"Parental alienation is the term used to describe the overall problem of children being encouraged by one parent -- the favored parent -- to unjustly reject the other parent – the targeted parent. There are seventeen primary parental alienation strategies that have been identified through research studies with adults who were alienated as children and with targeted parents. These 17 PA strategies have been validated in a series of subsequent studies. The 17 primary parental alienation strategies fall into five general categories: (1) poisonous messages to the child about the targeted parent in which he or she is portrayed as unloving, unsafe, and unavailable; (2) limiting contact and communication between the child and the targeted parent; (3) erasing and replacing the targeted parent in the heart and mind of the child; (4) encouraging the child to betray the targeted parent's trust; and (5) undermining the authority of the targeted parent. " - Amy J. Baker

(When you have finished reading about our campaign, please click here to learn more about Parental Alienation,)


As Mt. Kilauea erupts, so does geologist Jocelyn Pelletier's life. Fighting betrayal, divorce and parental alienation, Jocelyn is thrown in jail on a contempt of court charge when she refuses to send her 14 year old daughter back to a toxic environment. 

Once released, Jocelyn surrenders the custody fight for her daughter, and travels to Hawaii to collect herself and the accumulating data of the erupting volcano. In Hilo, she meets Nate Maier, an unpredictable entrepreneur with well-guarded secrets about solar winds, magnetic anomalies, and questionable geo-engineering technology. 

Drawn to Nate and the sacred ways of Nate’s Hawaiian elder housekeeper Hina, who bows to the sun and listens to the sounds of the earth every morning, Jocelyn discovers disturbing information about the instability of the climate, its impending threat to the planet, and the true nature of Nate’s top secret plans.

As the sun sets at a traditional Hawaiian luau, the climate suddenly screeches dangerously out of tune, and threatens a global crisis. Nate fights to restore balance while Jocelyn is convinced fighting is not the answer. As Nate rushes to put his futuristic and perilous plans into action, Jocelyn simply listens. With the climate spinning in chaos, only one way can override the storm overhead, and the one lingering in both their lives.


When it comes to confronting the present dangers of climate change, thought-provoking documentaries, impassioned speeches and energy rousing benefit concerts, we need them all.  But are they enough?

And can they really make a difference, especially when it comes to shaking off complacency and old habits that too often turn into addictions? 

As a psychotherapist, despite my best efforts, all too often I witnessed many of my client’s habits become dangerously hard wired into their brains and churn into addiction. 

If left untreated for a long time, addiction becomes increasingly difficult to treat. Alcohol. Drugs. (Illegal or prescription). Sex. Food. Shopping. Cell phones. Video games. Internet. Oil. Money. Power.The object of the addiction is unimportant. The more important question is how do we change that hard wiring?  

Addiction specialists struggle with this question daily, with lives hanging in the balance.  Now our planet hangs in the balance. 

Now we urgently need to answer this question.  Our culture has become like addicts in the late stages of addiction. Our thinking is skewed and rigid. Our rationalizations impenetrable

Our challenge is not just the climate of the planet; it’s the CLIMATE of our culture. And the culture is in denial.

Denial is not handled with reason. Using reason to reach addicts usually only makes them become more defiant and rigid.



We don't fight our way to resolve. We listen. We connect, especially to those we perceive as enemies. We shift our perspectives to our hearts, not our egos. This is not easy, and yet often the best way to help us do that is through story; real, inspiring and heartfelt stories, with new heroes and new myths. 

The late mythologist Joseph Campbell once told contemporary mythmakers that “the only myth worth telling” is the story of the planet and our interaction with it. 

We believe the way to override the static of our cultural hard wiring and denial is to make the earth come alive in a way that we will experience as real.

Our Mother Earth has become like the targeted parent in the process of parental alienation; we have become dangerously disconnected from a loving parent.

In this critical era of climate change and superheroes, it's time for Mother Earth to become our ultimate hero. 

Click here for more information about the danger of solar storms.

CLIMATE: Follow the WHY

Raising awareness by producing CLIMATE is our passion - our WHY - it's our way of DOING SOMETHING about our destructive, distracted and disconnected CLIMATE of alienation and denial.  

If this was a hurricane, we would be boarding up windows and taking every precaution. A hurricane is coming. The risk is real, and the possible effects upon our every day lives are unfathomable. We need to act now. It's more than our way of life that's at stake. It's our future.

Our approach, in every step of production, is to follow our "why."

This means forming a team of people who feel the same way we do. It means making a commitment, working together, imagining together, and creating something greater than all of us.

Phase One

The funding goal we've set is based on the amount of money we need to get started. It represents only the first phase of filming which will take place in New Hampshire. As much as possible, we want to hire local actors and filmmakers. Specifically, funds will go to:

  • Rental of Equipment, Budget, Legal Fees, Permits, etc. 
  • Production Crew and Actors. (Making a movie is grueling. Yet, so often, on indie projects, the talent is the last to be paid, if at all. This is another form of alienation that we find unacceptable.)
  • Transportation and Food.

Phase Two

If we surpass our goal, we can then go into the next phase of filming which takes place in Hawaii (we plan to hire local actors and crew there as well), and includes post-production (editing, a musical score, sound mixing) and distribution. 

Once we reach this level, we will add perks to receive a DVD of CLIMATE, t-shirts, posters, and promotional items. The sooner we surpass our goal, the sooner we can add these perks!

Our Perks

SPECIAL for the last week of our campaign!

Any donations made to the following perks from May 25 - June 1 Reef Guardians will receive 25%!!!

Save the Sea Turtle, Ka Huna, In Touch, and Override the Static perks

 Our Save the Sea Turtle, Ka Huna, In Touch, and Override the Static perks go to the non-profit organization, Reef Guardians, founded by Kauai Marine Biologist and underwater photographer and videographer Terry Lilley.

Here are three of Terry Lilley's photos you can receive when you make a donation!  

Or with a larger donation, receive a DVD of Ka Honu by Terry Lilley:

Here is a short video of Terry's magnificent underwater videography, set to Gregory Douglass' touching song, "No Apology."

"No Apology" by Gregory Douglass (
Douglass' evocative, alternative sound blends "Rufus Wainwright´s opulent musicality and Justin Timberlake´s accessible soulfulness," according to OUT Magazine. His recent spotlight on NPR's "Morning Edition" has coined him "one of New England's best-kept secrets."

"Douglass—with his gorgeous voice and poignant, piercing lyrics—burns with a fire that cannot be extinguished or ignored.  BATTLER is a soul-lifting masterpiece."-B. Walker, Performing Songwriter Magazine

Click here for more information about the plight of Hawaii's sea turtles and coral reefs.


Ho'oponopono means to correct, or to make right. It is an ancient Hawaiian healing practice that represents forgiveness and reconciliation. In the practice of ho'oponopono, we reconcile our relationships with nature, each other, and ourselves.

I discovered ho'oponopono while on a restorative vacation in Hawaii, which helped me heal, and led to the writing of CLIMATE, and Climate is first and foremost, all about healing.

Yet it also led me to the creation of Bathology, a daily practice my partner Craig and I created using the transformational power of story, the latest research in brain science, and the basic principles of ho'oponopono.

In raising funds to produce CLIMATE, we are raising the BAR to practice ho'oponopono,  and we are also raising the BAR literally, through the practice of Bathology. 

Every perk on the Phase One part of the campaign to help produce CLIMATE will also help promote "Project Calm & Sense" and the daily practice of Bathology, and every Bathology perk is discounted 50%!

This means that when you make a pledge to help produce CLIMATE, you are also helping YOURSELF on your own journey toward ho'oponopono!

Have you ever wished a bar of soap could wash away yesterday's worries 
like it washes away yesterday's sweat and grime? Well, now it can. 

Just add water, an open mind, and a light heart.

Bathology is a simple, effective and FUN daily practice that "fuses soap & story to cleanse the body AND mind, instantly turning frowns into smiles and worry into wonder."  (For more information about each "Mind & Body bar" perk (e-book* and natual, aromatherapy scented bar of soap) visit the Boutique page at


When you choose the $25 Painting Music perk, you receive a digital download of the our"Override the Static" poster (see below), and you also receive "See the Music", the Bathology e-book that will help you override the static. Slip inside four enchanted musical paintings and hear the colors of your heart!

*Each story takes place in the cartoon world Splash City, a world not unlike our own, where flat, 2D and cynical people climb ladders on The Wall, searching for "happiness over there." A small group of vibrant and 3D Splash City residents are "transforming our world by transforming ourselves."

Would you like to see this movie? 



Please help by making a donation and spreading the word however possible, whether through social media (check out our social media links on this page) or good old-fashioned spreading the word.

To help you spread the word, Splash City's own Miss Guided Light has a special slide show on the Climate website: Spread the Word!

Making a donation to this campaign makes you a part of our team. It's really important to us that this film is made ho'oponopono style, with all the "right" "Aloha" intentions, in every aspect of production. Ho'oponopono means to make right not only for ourselves, but for future generations. Your donation, no matter how small, means you are connected, and that you care. We SO appreciate it!

Thank you for caring about our planet and our future, and thank you for your help! We couldn't do it without you!


Deb Whitaker, Writer/Producer

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Choose your Perk

Mother's Day

$5 USD
Special perk for Mother's Day! This perk includes a digital download of Climate's "Override the Static" poster, access to our production diary, and our deepest gratitude. But for Mother's Day, you also receive the Bathology e-book, See the Music as our gift! Slip inside four enchanted paintings and allow them to help you override the static! Donations will be filled by June 5!
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Tuned In

$10 USD
By choosing this perk, you will receive an MP3 download of "No Apology" by Gregory Douglass and access to our production diary. We will be filming and blogging about the making of CLIMATE; a special journey toward ho'oponopono. You will also receive our deepest gratitude. Mahalo!
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 claimed

Imagine That!

$20 USD
An e-book "Imagine That!," the first of our four Bathology stories, "written by" Uno the guard dog. Uno the guard dog barks out his profound and poignant story. Left alone in a cage to die, Uno uses the power of his imagination to make his way out. You will also receive "No Apology", access to our production diary, and our deepest gratitude.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 claimed

I Will Find My Way

$20 USD
An e-book of "I Will Find My Way," the second of the Bathology series stories, "written by" Miss Guided Light. Suddenly part of the underemployed, Miss Guided Light overrides the cynicism around her, takes a leap of faith, and discovers the life altering difference between a goal and a dream. Also includes "No Apology", access to our production diary and our deepest gratitude.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 claimed

Follow the Why

$20 USD
An e-book of "Follow the Why," the third in our Bathology stories, "written by" Velocity. Eleven-year-old Velocity wanders away from home aspiring to make her first film. Stepping onto Splash City's Worn Brick Road, she meets three downtrodden strangers, Mr. Wasgonnado, Bob Stuckintime, and Lance E. Lost, who join her on a wonder filled journey. You'll also receive "No Apology", access to our production diary and our deepest gratitude.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 claimed

See the Music

$20 USD
An e-book "See the Music," the fourth in our Bathology series. After quitting her job at Box News, journalist Debi Dewit eyes the opportunity of a lifetime; penning a biography of Splash City icon Ms. Bee Haven. To discuss the possibility, Ms. Bee Haven invites Debi inside her private art studio where she unveils four enchanted paintings that transform Debi's life. You will also receive "No Apology", access to our production diary and our deepest gratitude.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 claimed

Save the Sea Turtles

$25 USD
Receive a download of Terry Lilley's Sea Turtle Face, a download of "No Apology," access to our production diary and our deepest gratitude. 10% of this perk goes to the non-profit organization Reef Guardians. Donate on Earth Day (April 22) and 25% goes to Reef Guardians!
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
2 claimed

Mind & Body Bar: Imagination

$50 USD
A Bathology "Mind & Body Bar"( at 50% off), includes an e-book of "Imagine That!," a "cartoon cue of Uno", Bathology Directions, and a bar of Imagine That! aromatherapy scented soap (Cranberry Fig). Also includes "No Apology", access to our production diary and our deepest gratitude. Add $10 for shipping. $15 for international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 out of 100 of claimed

Mind & Body Bar: Self-reliance

$50 USD
A Bathology Mind & Body bar (at 50% off), includes an e-book of "I Will Find My Way", a cartoon cue of Miss Guided Light, Bathology Directions, & an aromatherapy scented bar of "Someday is Today" soap (Lavender). Also includes "No Apology", our production diary & our deepest gratitude. Add $10 for shipping. $15 for international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 out of 100 of claimed

Mind & Body Bar: Purpose

$50 USD
A Bathology Mind & Body bar (at 50% off) which includes an e-book of "Follow the Why," a cartoon cue of Velocity, Bathology Directions, and a bar of aromatherapy-scented soap (Sweet Orange). Also includes "No Apology", access to our production diary, and our deepest gratitude. Please add $10 for shipping. $15 for international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 out of 100 of claimed

Mind & Body Bar: Authenticity

$50 USD
A Bathology Mind & Body bar (at 50% off) which includes an e-book of "See the Music," a cartoon cue of Ms. Bee Haven, Bathology Directions, and an aromatherapy scented bar of "Be Yourself" soap (Cinnamon/Honey). Also includes "No Apology", access to our production diary and our deepest gratitude. Add $10 for shipping. $15 for international shipping
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 out of 100 of claimed

Healing Power of Story

$60 USD
Receive a pdf file of Climate the screenplay just before the movie's release. Also includes a download of "No Apology," access to our production diary and our deepest gratitude.
Estimated Shipping
July 2016
0 claimed

In Balance

$75 USD
All four Bathology e-books: Imagine That!, I Will Find My Way, Follow the Why, and See the Music. Plus a download of "No Apology", access to our production Diary and our deepest gratitude.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 claimed

Ka Honu

$85 USD
Receive a DVD of Terry Lilley's "Ka Honu The Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle," a download of Terry Lilley's Sea Turtle face , a download of "No Apology", access to our production diary, and our deepest gratitude. 10% of this perk goes to the nonprofit organization Reef Guardians. Donate from May 25- June 1, and 25% goes to Reef Guardians!
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 out of 100 of claimed

No Denial

$100 USD
A digital copy of Climate the movie just before the movie's release. Also includes a download of "No Apology," access to our production diary and our deepest gratitude.
Estimated Shipping
July 2016
3 claimed

Calm & Sense Club

$250 USD
A Calm & Sense Club subscription service for a full three months of Bathology! Includes a Bathology Life Fable Kit "Imagine That!" and accompanying Mind & Body Bar, (with e-book, cartoon cue, directions, and soap) one refill of Imagine That! soap (3 bars), plus one refill of Calm & Sense soap (3 bars) and one refill of Circles of Life Soap (3 bars). All at 50% off. Also includes "No Apology", access to our production diary & our deepest gratitude.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 out of 100 of claimed

In Touch

$500 USD
A digital copy of Climate, a pdf of the screenplay, all 4 Bathology Mind & Body Bars, a download of all 3 of Terry Lilley's photos, a DVD of Ka Honu, a download of Climate's "Override the Static" poster, a download of "No Apology," access to our production diary and our deepest gratitude. 10% of this perk goes to Reef Guardians. Donate on Earth Day (April 22) and 25% goes to Reef Guardians! (Estimated delivery of digital copy of Climate and pdf of screenplay is July 2016).
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 out of 100 of claimed

Keep in touch!

$1,000 USD
Be an extra! Filming will be in New Hampshire (Fall 2015) and Hawaii (Winter 2016). Travel expenses not included! A digital copy of Climate, a pdf of the screenplay, all 4 Bathology Mind & Body Bars, a download ofall 3 Terry Lilley photos, a DVD of Ka Honu, a download of the "Override the Static" poster & "No Apology," our production diary and our deepest gratitude. Estimated delivery of digital copy of Climate and pdf of screenplay is July 2016. Estimated date of filming to be determ
0 out of 10 of claimed

Override the Static

$2,500 USD
Attend the premiere! Be a VIP guest of the producers. Travel expenses not included. A digital copy of Climate, a pdf of the screenplay, all 4 Mind & Body Bars,a DVD of Ka Honu, a download of all 3 Terry Lilley photos, the "Override the Static" poster & "No Apology," our production diary & deepest gratitude. 10% of this perk goes to Reef Guardians. Donate on Earth Day (April 22) and 25% goes to Reef Guardians! (Estimated delivery of digital copy of Climate and pdf of screenplay is J
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
0 out of 5 of claimed


$5,000 USD
Be an Associate Producer! See your name in the credits, and attend the premiere as a VIP guest of the producers. (Travel expenses not included.) A digital copy of Climate, a pdf of the screenplay, all 4 Bathology Mind & Body Bars, a download of all 3 Terry Lilley photos, a DVD of Ka Honu, a download of the "Override the Static" poster & "No Apology," access to our production diary and our deepest gratitude. (Estimated delivery of digital copy of Climate and pdf of screenplay is July 20
0 out of 5 of claimed
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