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Code of the Assura: Investors Screening

We made the short film. Now we need to pitch it to a theater full of very discerning investors.

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Code of the Assura: Investors Screening

Code of the Assura: Investors Screening

Code of the Assura: Investors Screening

Code of the Assura: Investors Screening

Code of the Assura: Investors Screening

We made the short film. Now we need to pitch it to a theater full of very discerning investors.

We made the short film. Now we need to pitch it to a theater full of very discerning investors.

We made the short film. Now we need to pitch it to a theater full of very discerning investors.

We made the short film. Now we need to pitch it to a theater full of very discerning investors.

Murphy Tom
Murphy Tom
Murphy Tom
Murphy Tom
1 Campaign |
Olean, United States
$481 USD 15 backers
12% of $3,800 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
"Code of the Assura" is a 45 minute short film that we scraped and clawed our way to finishing last Fall. It's about the passage of a controversial new law in the year 2035: "Anybody who's convicted of murder can be turned over to the victim's family for punishment." The film brings to light the unexpected consequences of such a radical departure from convention. It's absolutely thrilling and emotionally engaging. Now we need to fund an Investors Screening to get the full length version made!




Hello friends, my name is Murphy Tom and I am the founder and director of Panvenni Films; a unique and award winning film production group based in Olean, NY.

What's that now? You've never heard of Olean, NY ???

Well, no worries..., very few people have who don't actually live, work, or accidentally got sucked through a time portal and ended up here.

But just FYI, we're about an hour and a half south-east of Buffalo, NY. Guess you could say we're like Buffalo's cool little brother... or very distant cousin... either one works for us.

The easiest way for you to get to know about me, my cast and my crew is by clicking this link to our website:  No, I'm not being lazy -- I just think our site represents us best -- and I was told by somebody smarter than myself before starting this campaign that I shouldn't clutter up my page and ramble on and on, soooo....

Let's get into it: Here's the backstory!

I came up with this really cool idea for a film back in 2015 that I dubbed"A Philosophy of Ruin", and we ran a crowdfunding campaign to get it made...but that was a bust. We got more than half-way there, but couldn't make the finish line. So we ended up with zip. I don't want to say who we ran the campaign with but...c'mon Kickstarter, why you gotta be so mean???   Oops, that cat just jumped right outta the bag didn't it?

Anyway, we didn't just roll over and lick our wounds; but before I get into what happened next, I think some more information would be helpful.

The idea for the film:

So I saw this rerun of a video on a news channel about the 2013 shooting death of 28 year old Joshua Sweat -- some of you might remember that story.

On the way to the stand to give his statement, Sweat's father lunged at his son's killer, Antonio Clifford, and had to be forcefully restrained to keep him from inflicting grievous bodily harm to the murderer.

The rage on the father's face clearly conveyed the agony he was feeling at what, for him, was an insurmountable loss.

So I thought to myself: What if it was legal to hand the killer over to the deceased's father, if that's what he wanted? And that thought stayed with me for several days -- I just couldn't shake it. It was like something was telling me..."hey you boob, you're onto something here, stop ignoring it."

With that, I started to do some research, and within three weeks I had written a script based on an ancient Babylonian law contained within the Code of the Hammurabi (look that up, it's really interesting). And as I already mentioned, I named the film A Philosophy of Ruin  but subsequently changed that to the more poetic sounding: Code of the Assura, since the ancient Assyrians (who conquered the Babylonian Empire and Mesopotamia around 1225 BC) had a similar code.



So what's the film about:

The film is based in the year 2035, and it's about this civil engineer (Robert Vaughn) who accidentally causes the death of an affluent young woman. 

After being convicted of manslaughter, Robert is turned over to the woman's family -- a well connected and unspeakably ruthless bunch.

They isolate him in a cabin in the woods and use the most creative forms of torture they could conjure up to make him suffer for what he did.

There's no way for Robert to escape, since the cabin is sentineled by some very advanced mechanisms designed to keep imprisoned occupants within 100 feet of the structure -- or die a horrible death trying to escape.

As the story progresses, we learn that Robert was nothing more than a fall guy in an elaborate conspiracy, and when his innocence is revealed, the audience will find themselves strongly rooting for his survival. But there's much more to the story than meets the eye, and the expectation is that by the end of the film viewers will leave with a sense of renewed hope in humanity. 

With the failed crowdfunding effort behind us...

...we quickly regrouped, and self-funded a shortened version of what was supposed to be a feature length film. And honestly, it turned out great.

But it would be an injustice to stop here. We have to get the full length version made. It's just too damn cool a film to deep-six before it has a chance to inspire the masses. But we're going about it differently this time around.
Crowdfunding is a perfect medium for not only raising money for your project, but also expanding your fan base. However, after the agony of defeat in 2015, we did some bold networking and managed to find some professional business people who are willing to invest in our film. But we have some convincing to do. So we're trying to get all of these investors together in one theater for a screening of the completed short film. Following the screening will be a powerpoint presentation that we've been working on for quite a while now.

Pulling this event off just right is a HUGE DEAL... since we stand to raise a lot more money than we possibly could by running another campaign.

The investors just want to see that we're serious, well organized and capable of producing a good product/film. And that starts with how we present this opportunity to them.



What We Need & What You Get

So to pull everything together for this Investors Screening we need to raise $3,800.00; and here's what that's for:



  • Theater rental (we got a reduced rate but still need to cover some of the cost).
  • A support technician provided by the theater custodians.
  • Pitch Packs (presentation folders with all the information the investors will need or want -- each costs about $6 to put together, and there are going to be 69 investors and their spouses in attendance ).
  • Legal fees for drawing up detailed contracts that protect us and the investors.
  • Atmosphere: Posters, Step and Repeat Banner, Past Production Stills, Photographer etc.
  • Food: Guests must be fed -- mama said it's common courtesy. 


As artists we are always so grateful when others share in our vision, and even more so when they express their support in a tangible way. If you're reading this and you're an artist/entertainer yourself, then you know the feeling of validation you get from those who stick their necks out for wish you could give them the moon.

Well, sadly, we can't offer you the moon. But we've tried to come up with some creative and heartfelt ways to say thanks for your support. If you can think of something that we haven't listed that would make you more inclined to contribute, then by all means, shoot us an email at: and we'll try to include it.

Special Note:  All perks pertaining specifically to the full length version of Code of the Assura will be delivered in 2018.

What happens if we don't make our goal?

If this campaign was about making a film, then I'd point to our track record as outlined on our website and tell you to trust us, we absolutely finish what we start... no matter what.

But since this is about screening an already completed short film so that we can get on with the business of making the full length version, the risk isn't in pulling off the event we're trying to fund; the risk is in pulling it off poorly.    

So if we don't get all the funds we are trying to raise for this Investors Screening, then we'll just work with whatever you guys give us. Sure, we may have to cut a few corners, but what we lose by way of aesthetics we can try to make up for with steely determination and charm. And of that we have oodles !!!

As independent filmmakers, we oftentimes have to make do with what we have. So we'll make do!

Other ways you can help:

We understand that some people just can't contribute monetarily, but that doesn't mean you can't help. So please take a few seconds and:

  • Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
  • Use the Indiegogo share tools to help us reach more people!

Whatever you can do will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks all!

So there you have it; that's all she wrote! Hopefully you find something to appreciate about our campaign and are willing to make a contribution... no matter how small.

And just so you know; we fully intend to make frequent posts to keep you up-to-date on our progress -- 'cause we believe in complete transparency. 

So please don't be a stranger, and we hope that you continue to follow us on our journey. If you do, I'm convinced that you'll get as excited about this ride we're on as we have been.

Now go get your dad's credit card and meet us back here!

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Choose your Perk

You have our thanks!

$5 USD
We're happy you took the time to nudge us along, so we'll take the time to proclaim your generosity on our page.
Included Items
  • A shout out on Facebook
Estimated Shipping
July 2017
2 claimed

A Video Tribute!

$10 USD
You got us showing our pearly whites! And for that we will thank you by name in a special tribute video to be posted on Facebook.
Included Items
  • A video shout out on Facebook
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
1 claimed

Code of the Assura Decal!

$20 USD
You're stirring up warm fuzzy feelings we didn't know we could feel, and you should be properly rewarded for that. So, in addition to a video shout out on Facebook, you'll receive a really cool Code of the Assura decal. It will be something awesome to display in your car window and a great conversation starter.
Included Items
  • A video shout out on Facebook
  • Code of the Assura Decal
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
2 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

C.O.T.A. Poster Replica!

$50 USD
This is awesome. We're so thankful for your generosity. And to express our sincere gratitude, we are giving you all of the above plus a special edition, postcard size replica of the official movie poster in the form of a Thank You card.
Included Items
  • A video shout out on Facebook
  • Code of the Assura Decal
  • C.O.T.A. Poster Replica
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
1 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Digital Copy of Short Film!

$75 USD
We are so thrilled by your contribution that we're babbling incoherently. You have entered into our trust. For that we will gladly send you a digital copy of Code of the Assura the short film (45 mins in length). And yes, all the other perks above will be included.
Included Items
  • A video shout out on Facebook
  • Code of the Assura Decal
  • C.O.T.A. Poster Replica
  • Digital copy of the short film
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
0 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Screen the Feature Film!

$100 USD
Wow! You really came through for us. So you get a very special limited perk. You get to screen the full length version of Code of the Assura in real time (when it's completed) along with everyone involved with the production. We'll set it up for you to stream it online. This is the only perk so far that has a waiting period.
Included Items
  • A video shout out on Facebook
  • Code of the Assura Decal
  • C.O.T.A. Poster Replica
  • Digital copy of the short film
  • Screen the full length feature
Estimated Shipping
October 2018
1 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Sponsor Credit and Poster!

$200 USD
It's official...YOU ROCK! We wanna name somebody's kid after you; but let's be honest, that's bat-poop crazy. So instead, we'll list you as a sponsor for our Investors Screening. Which means your name will be up in the theater (all fancy like) for everyone to see. We'll be sure to send you a digital photo so you can see it for yourself.
Included Items
  • A video shout out on Facebook
  • Code of the Assura Decal
  • Digital copy of the short film
  • Screen the full length feature
  • Credit as an event sponsor
  • Official Movie Poster
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
0 out of 8 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Invite to 2018 Screening!

$350 USD
We think you're either bonkers or one very generous human being. Either way, you just made our week! You deserve nothing less than to be at the screening of the feature length version of Code of the Assura in 2018. So please...plan on saving the date! You simply must be our guest.
Included Items
  • A video shout out on Facebook
  • Code of the Assura Decal
  • Digital copy of the short film
  • Screen the full length feature
  • Credit as an event sponsor
  • Invite to 2018 screening
  • Official Movie Poster
Estimated Shipping
October 2018
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Producer Credit!

$500 USD
Ok, some of the guys just pee'd a little. This contribution is not just about the money. This is about your faith and trust in us; and we will not let you down. Your name will appear as one of the producers in the full length version of Code of the Assura. And of course, you still get all the other perks. Thank you so much.
Included Items
  • A video shout out on Facebook
  • Code of the Assura Decal
  • Digital copy of the short film
  • Screen the full length feature
  • Credit as an event sponsor
  • Invite to 2018 screening
  • Official Movie Poster
  • Producer Credit
Estimated Shipping
October 2018
0 out of 4 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Be in the Movie!

$1,000 USD
First, we're gonna have a good laugh-cry over this. Then we'll speculate wildly about laundered money, before finally making a pact among ourselves to look the other way. So friend, unless you can't show your mug on screen for fear of incarceration; we want to offer you a role in our film. This offer is transferable.
Included Items
  • A video shout out on Facebook
  • Code of the Assura Decal
  • Digital copy of the short film
  • Credit as an event sponsor
  • Invite to 2018 screening
  • Official Movie Poster
  • Producer Credit
  • Be in the movie
Estimated Shipping
April 2018
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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