is about Baltimore's Artists
Cohesion Theatre Company is currently Brad Norris and Alicia Stanley, along
with anyone who will come make collaborative work with them. Brad is an
actor, director, lighting designer and professional theatre nerd who has been
working in the non-profit arts world in Chicago and Baltimore for over 15 years.
Alicia is a graduate of St. John's College in Annapolis who has acted,
directed, and obsessively read her way into being a Shakespearean
fanatic. Together they were the Directorial team behind the critically
acclaimed adaptation of Christopher Marlowe's Edward II at Spotlighter's
Theatre in the Spring of 2014. Now they are using their powers for good.
Cohesion Theatre Company was born out of a desire to foster connections
amongst the theatrical and artistic community of Baltimore. We believe
passionately that when artists combine their talents and energies across
disciplines and despite competitive tendencies, what is created becomes greater
than the sum of its parts, and what would be a success for one becomes a
triumph for all.
We are currently putting together a three-show inaugural season in
Baltimore, Maryland that will include two Baltimore Premiere Productions.
We are collaborating with established local theaters and artists to house
our productions for extended runs in the Fall, Spring, and Summer.
As Cohesion grows, we hope to partner with other grassroots theatre
companies in the Baltimore area to create new and interesting works of art. These
collaborations are central to our mission statement, and we hope they will help
foster the sense of community in the Baltimore theatre scene.
want you to join us in our mission, and at our Launch Party!
We will be announcing our three show season at our Inaugural Season
Launch Party on Friday, September 26, 2014 - 8pm to Midnight at Gallery 788 in
Hampden - 3602 Hickory Avenue, Baltimore 21211.
Tickets for the party are $20 each and will include food, drinks, raffle
prizes, and live music performances from The Black & White Milk Bar,
featuring Dyana Neal, Jim Knost, Beth Weber, and Christine Thomas-O'Mealy, as
well as dancing with DJ Aurturo Ozaeta.
Tickets for our party are available online through this IndieGoGo Campaign!
We Need & What You Get.
You can see the benefits related to each donation level on the right side of
the screen, but right now let's talk about what the community gets when you
Your ticket purchase and donation mean that each of the artists involved
in Cohesion Theatre Company's Inaugural Season gets paid for their work.
Let's say that again. This company is going to pay its actors,
designers, directors, stagehands, playwrights, stage managers, assistants, run
crew, graphic artists, and anyone else who does work with or for us. We
believe strongly that art has value, and that the value of artists’ work should
be recognized. We also believe that being fiscally responsible with the
art you make means that you can make more art in the future. These
ideas can work together.
Your donation to Cohesion Theatre Company will go into the pockets of local
Baltimore Artists so that they can live, work, and create in and for this city.
Here's how it works. Cohesion is planning three shows this
season. We'll start small by paying people stipends that are on par with
other local theatre companies who pay their artists. That means that this
is the budget for our artist pay this year:
- 30 Actors @ $200 each
- 3 Directors @ $400 each
- 3 Assistant Directors @ $200
- 3 Stage Managers @ $500 each
- 3 Assistant Stage Managers @ $200 each
- 3 Lighting Designers @ $300
- 3 Costume Designers @ $300
- 2 Sound Designers @ $300 each
- 1 Puppetry Designer @ $300
- 3 Set Designers @ $300 each
- 3 Prop Designers @ $300 each
- 6 Run Crew/Technicians @ $200
That comes out to $15,600 in artist pay, just for our three productions.
What happens if you don't raise all this money through this
We will rely more heavily on ticket sales from our three shows and grant and
sponsorship opportunities to find this money over the course of the
season. We may need to cut production budgets in other areas. We will not reduce the amount paid out to our
What happens if you raise tons more money than you need to meet this
We will put some of the excess towards our artist pay for our second season,
and the rest will go toward increasing the stipends for all our artists across
the board.
Rising Tide Lifts All Boats
As Baltimore artists, we work day jobs, we work night jobs, we work retail,
and restaurant, and minimum wage gigs all in support of what we really love to
do: Create. Now sometimes that's for nothing, and sometimes it costs us,
and sometimes it costs us dearly. We pay in time lost, we pay in gas
cost, we pay in nights spent up late learning lines when we need to
sleep. That is worth something, and should be treated as such. We
hope that through our connections and our collaborations we will be able be
able to offer that value to all theatre artists in Baltimore. We hope to
work with other companies to find ways to partner with them and raise their
ability to support their artists more fully. To create a vibrant and
supportive artistic theatre community in Baltimore that is about more than just
applause for its actors, directors, designers and technicians.
This is where we start that mission. Will you join us?
Ways You Can Help
Share Cohesion's campaign and Launch Party details to as
many friends and family as you can. You can use Indiegogo's share tools
to spread the word on Facebook, Twitter, and even through your own email.
We thank you for your time and hope to see you soon.
-Brad and Alicia