Hello Comicsgate!
Are you still submitting your precious money to hateful people? Why will you patronize those who deny you much deserved respect as the customer?
- You troll the SWJ with sock account and now you can proudly wear the Comicsgate sock of “Luxury Leggingwear TM”.
- We have recognized your love of frogs. “Amphibious Android: Our Hero For Tomorrow TM” is the clockwork hero for a new generation of the Comicsgate audience.
- “Fat Uncle Flatulence Bag TM” is the fun, disgusting toy that will ruin your family with mirth, and laughter!
- Finally, our GIANT FUTURISTIC HOLOFOIL Sparkling Stickers will amaze and delight along with maybe many more things to come!
- And most of all, every Variety Fun Package sold will ship to you containing a Golden Level LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP into our member-only club. You won’t want to miss a lifetime of exclusive benefits!
- Every Variety Fun Package is inspected and sealed with the Super Asia Fun Toy GOLDEN SEAL OF QUALITY!!!
- Also a Comicsgate branded FREE COMIC BOOK STORAGE BOX with every order!!! Other campaigns may charge you $25 or more for empty comic book storage!! SUPER ASIA FUN TOY gives our customers FREE COMIC BOOK STORAGE WITH EVERY ORDER!!!
We value your Comicsgate brotherhood and fellowship in many livestreams. We take pride in the shared values of freedom, escapist fiction, and mutual respectfulness. But most of all, we respect your money and desire to share it with you in exchange for our Comicsgate Variety Fun Package of remarkable merchandise!
Your life needs our toys!
We need your money!
ATTENTION Comicsgate faithful!
- Factory construction is now completed.
- Toys and packaging are fully designed.
- Manufacturing lines are fully operational.
- Workers are tediously assembling our Comicsgate branded products.
- Boat and planes are being prepared for USA shipments.
Many activities are very costly. Build a factory. Design the very best toy. Obtain our many workers by various means. Your loyal monies will finance every facet of global operations at SUPER ASIA FUN TOY Worldwide.
Comicsgate can impact the lives of many people!
Believe it or don't, Comicsgate can be so much more than just comic books and flame wars. Share in the enjoyment of this limited edition Comicsgate branded toy brand! The patronage you display here will support more toys, more merchandise, and more future Variety Fun Package campaigns!
- The lives of multiple workers will be impacted when you receive your Comicsgate toys.
- Your home will be more joyously-filled with feelings of laughter, pride, and the warmth of Comicsgate branded socks.
Our workers and factories are counting on you!
Risks & Challenges
Our vast scope of resources have been directed toward the construction, production and packaging of the finest toys and novelties deserving of the blessed Comicsgate people. We are marshaling forces who will ensure that logistics cannot fail to meet your overwhelming demand!
- Toys and merchandise are under production now and will be prepared to assemble for shipment directly upon completion of this campaign.
- Nothing will stand between our desire for your funding and the shipping of this Variety Fun Package to your home!
Other Ways You Can Help
Every last attention is required for this effort! Post, paste and chat your passions about Comicsgate Variety Fun Package!
- Social Media links are welcome!
- Telephone call your family!
- Emails and other correspondence for your coworkers will be appreciated!
- If you are among the religious faithful, your fellow congregants will be pleased to learn more about Comicsgate Variety Fun Package from you directly!
- Schools, Hospitals, and even your local marketplace will thank you for sharing our campaign!
- Instruct others to find us listed here on Indiegogo!
The success of Comicsgate has always depended on you, the customer. Share our love of the finest fun and quality service through your support of Comicsgate Variety Fun Package today!
$500 Stretch Goal!
Our worldwide potential audience is many billions of respected people. When this campaign raises only $500usd IN THE FIRST 30DAYS we can generously include a MOST INCREDIBLE limited-edition collectible to our Variety Fun Package of fun!
This cutest "Pump 'n Squirt™" water cannon will be yours when we labor together and make this dream come true! Specially forged and packaged for the refined tastes of our Comicsgate friends!
Thanks you Comicsgate friends and SJW stalkers! Your excitement in SUPER ASIA FUN TOY cannot be contained!
Comicsgate #1 Toy Brand!!!