Contemporary Lampworking
A Practical Guide to Shaping Glass in the Flame
4th Edition, Volumes 1 & 2
For almost 30 years, Contemporary Lampworking has helped drive and document the growth of an artistic movement. The new Edition is updated and expanded to provide instruction, inspiration and reliable information on technical issues like Annealing, Health and Safety. Your support will help inspire new generations of glassblowers to follow best practices and further stretch the limits of what is possible in glass.
About The Project
The First Edition of Contemporary Lampworking was published In 1995, after much experimentation and research by the author. It was a DIY project that proved to have a big impact. The Third Edition came out in 2003, and over the past 20 years it has garnered much respect and appreciation from advanced and novice glassblowers alike. The ensuing years have seen many advances in materials, techniques and equipment in this dynamic field. The new Fourth Edition not only addresses these developments, but also chronicles the growth of an inspirational community that continues to push the limits of glass artistry.
About the Publisher
As an amateur chemist and would-be mad scientist, Bandhu Scott Dunham was inspired to learn glassblowing while still in high school, in 1975. With no teachers around, he taught himself from the limited books available, and started a small studio, which is now represented in major craft galleries around the US. His unique works are also in museum collections and he is a respected teacher and conference presenter. His studio, Salusa Glassworks, is a creative sanctuary not only for himself, but for apprentices and students who also develop their own careers in glass.
Bandhu’s inspiration for the Contemporary Lampworking books has always been not just to show what he knows, but to enlist other artists to share input and knowledge for the benefit of the field as a whole. While it is not possible to cover every artist or every corner of this growing industry, the team behind these books is really the entire lampwork glass community. Bandhu has been collecting photos and information from this community for the past twenty years with this revised Edition in mind.
Where the Funds Go
This new Fourth Edition will be expanded and upgraded to full color printing throughout. This significantly increases our printing and pre-press expenses, exceeding funds that have been set aside for ordinary reprinting. Rather than borrowing money at today’s interest rates, redirecting funds meant for other projects or drawing down personal savings, we welcome the support of crowdfunding and are offering some great perks to our backers.
Printing and delivery costs alone for an initial printing will be about a hundred thousand dollars. Our fundraising goal for this campaign is $60,000, which fills the gap in our budgeted printing fund. It will keep everything else around here on an even keel. If we exceed our goal, it will help recoup unspoken costs already incurred, such as editing, proofreading, reproduction rights, consultation with experts and other research expenses. We also had to replace our nine year-old computer system to handle the scope of this project. Extra funding may also make it possible to increase the size of the initial print run.
If we fall short of our goal, it will not stop the project but may delay it. It would put some strain on our studio finances, which have already contributed so much to this passion project over the years. We hope that you will help us meet, and perhaps exceed, our goal for this contribution to the field of glass art. This new Edition will not only inspire new artists but also make them smarter, more efficient with resources, and safer in their studios.
Perks on Offer
Backers to this project receive perks, of course! Besides eternal gratitude, the perks for various levels of support range from a hand-painted glass chili pepper made by apprentices to a Super-Deluxe Steampunk Airship crafted by Bandhu himself. Naturally, there are also discounted deals on pre-orders for the new Edition and other books by Bandhu. Autographs and uniquely decorated copies of the books are also available. (By the way, be sure to spell out your State name, do not abbreviate it, on the order form.)
This project is already well underway. Bandhu has been collecting new photos and information for two decades. The text has been revised, including extensive new research into technical issues of health, safety and annealing—as well as discoveries in the fascinating history of this field. Experts have been consulted about advances in techniques, tools and materials. After a professional editing, the complex layout process has begun. This text is a two-volume set, and the first volume is largely finished at the time of this writing.
Other Ways You Can Help
This new Edition is a work of many hands. The support of backers will be an important part of it. We also appreciate the participation and support of those who are not in a position to contribute financially. Spreading the word about this project, encouraging others to join our backers and asking your grandma to buy you the books are all legitimate ways of contributing to our campaign. The Indiegogo site has built-in sharing tools that you can use to help us get the word out and meet our goal.