Short Summary
Relationships can be a beautiful thing. So why do so many end in failure? Corporate Affair is about two women working at the same firm who upon discovering they are sleeping with the same married man scheme to reveal him to his wife.
Do people really like to just cheat and break another's heart? Yes indeed, some do and will go to great lengths to try and destroy your spirit. But Corporate Affair is telling a different story this go around and we would love your help in bringing this story to screen.
I am Abike O. Washington the writer, director and producer of Corporate Affair. CP is wittingly entertaining, cast with competent and skilled talent, and most of all, a story that reminds both man and woman about the consequences of marital affairs. CP is meant to inspire the best of us to challenge ourselves to higher ground learning "the lesson" and to look up and pull ourselves up when we have fallen.
You help make this story happen with your monetary support and your willingness to spread the word. In this day and time as we push forward to be better conscious-minded individuals in the earth, lets not forget some do still struggles with relationships issues and this story is written to inspire and motivate them.
What We Need & What You Get
I am asking for your help and support to raise $500 for production expenses. That includes locations, travel expenses, equipment and miscellaneous costs.
And I know you're asking and what in it for me? Number one the satisfaction of knowing that this film will reach someone and help inspire their life onto a more meaningful path. Number two STUFF. Yep, we all like gifts...
For everyone who donates, you will be the first to screen the movie online via a private link and you will be able to share with a least one other person you feel deep in your heart that could use it's message. The link will be up for a full day.
Please note any amount shared no matter the limit is and always will be greatly appreciated. For dollar selected amounts, see page for perks. Thank you!
The Impact
Again you sharing your resources help make this project possible. Most of all it will get into the hands of someone who needs it's inspiration. You do that as you help make production possible.
Risks & Challenges
Making sure that we have the best resources to tell the CP story, such as locations, equipment and other factors tailored to the CP production.
Other Ways You Can He
Make some noise, by sharing the project with those who can help. Please use the Indiegogo share tools!
And most of all remember, your support is always bound to reach someone truly in need of a story's message whether you are aware or not, thanks.