Every year, tens of thousands of foster-care children exit the system at age 18 without a net. Ellen Hopkins is the New York Times bestselling author of the Young Adult novel Crank. This novel is based on the true story of her older daughter’s addiction to crystal methamphetamine and its effects on her family. Hopkins has worked tirelessly to help youth at risk through her non-profit Ventana Sierra. Her Indiegogo campaign is an effort to produce a movie of a theatrical performance of Crank. The film will have cinematic production values and will be used as a fundraising tool to benefit Ventana Sierra.
Crank: The Movie is a sponsored project of Ventana Sierra, a non-profit organization founded in 2012 by Ellen Hopkins to help at risk youth. Contributions for the purposes of Ventana Sierra are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
In 2012, Ellen Hopkins (herself adopted) and her younger daughter Kelly Foutz founded Ventana Sierra as a way to help highly motivated youth in need attend college or participate in apprenticeship programs by providing safe housing, tuition, medical care and life skills classes.
Ellen Hopkins and Craig Lew
Craig Lew, writer-producer-director, and Ellen Hopkins collaborated to film a theatrical adaptation of her New York Times best selling novel
Crank called Flirtin' with the Monster. The filmed play -
Crank: The Movie - will be made available to Ellen's fans and supporters as a way to raise much needed funds for Ventana Sierra and the at risk youth it was founded to help.
Craig Lew on Steadycam
Currently, Ventana Sierra has two group homes in the Carson City area serving motivated and dedicated young people from a variety of backgrounds. It provides not only concrete financial support but also structure and guidance to help these kids create the positive futures they deserve. The group home residents have faced sometimes life-long adversity and Ventana Sierra is committed to helping them find their way.
Kelly Foutz, Ellen Hopkins and Ventana Sierra residents
Because of Ellen Hopkins' extensive fan base and the popularity of her book Crank, Ventana Sierra will be able to use this film as a tool for fundraising long into the future.
Crank: The Movie
We've raised $10,000 already for the filming of the play - now we move into post production. We need to raise another $30,000 to finish editing the film and create the finished project - Crank: The Movie - for all of Ellen's fans and supporters to enjoy!
Here's a breakdown of where the Indiegogo money will go:
Movie downloads
Crank: The Movie
Crank the Book
Copies of Crank autographed by Ellen Hopkins.
End Credits Recognition
Your name in Crank: The Movie's end credits.
Social Media Shout Outs from Ellen
A personalized Facebook thank you on Ellen's Fan Page.
Or, a 10-15 second video thank you from Ellen for your own Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Crank T-Shirts
You sexy dog you!
Join the Big Time
Sign on as an Executive or Associate Producer - see your name in lights.
Risks & Challenges
We've come part way with this project. We've pulled together enough funds to capture the play during its run this summer. Now we've got to finish post production to give this work the treatment expected by the readers of Ellen Hopkins' influential novel Crank. Help us make this movie a reality for Ellen's fans, and in doing so, support the at risk youth served by Ventana Sierra.
Other Ways You Can Help -- SHARE!!!
Even if you can't make a monetary contribution, you can still help us get the word out about this campaign. Share on your social media accounts for us - the more people that know about our project, the better.
Thank you so much - we can't do it without you!