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Crone Wood-Feature Film

The Blair Witch meets Wickerman! New Horror shot on location around notorious Hellfire Club.

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Crone Wood-Feature Film

Crone Wood-Feature Film

Crone Wood-Feature Film

Crone Wood-Feature Film

Crone Wood-Feature Film

The Blair Witch meets Wickerman! New Horror shot on location around notorious Hellfire Club.

The Blair Witch meets Wickerman! New Horror shot on location around notorious Hellfire Club.

The Blair Witch meets Wickerman! New Horror shot on location around notorious Hellfire Club.

The Blair Witch meets Wickerman! New Horror shot on location around notorious Hellfire Club.

Therese Aziz
Therese Aziz
Therese Aziz
Therese Aziz
3 Campaigns |
Dublin, Ireland
$2,138 USD $2,138 USD by 31 backers
$2,086 USD by 30 backers on Apr 10, 2016
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

So what is this all about?

This is the final phase of our debut feature film Crone Wood. Shot over 5 days and nights in the notorious woods outside of Dublin, Ireland.

Mark Sheridan is the name of the writer/director and also co-producer together with me Therese Aziz. We have worked really hard to put together this film and we are almost there!

This film features all Irish talent (& the odd Swede producer) tells an intriguing and nerve-wracking story whilst promoting Irish cinema.  The cast and crew are all home grown fantastic local talents who worked day and night to make this film into a reality. 

Now that the shoot is done and dusted we need your help to promote this Irish talent to the world. Your donation will help us in our final stage of marketing and festival submission. This would mean that the film actually hits theatres, DVD distribution and VOD platforms, creating a larger audience and ultimately enforcing the Irish film scene. 

Why should you help?
Because this is truly a film that holds so much talent! And the film will actually see the light of day with your donation. 

  • Submission to festivals and marketing tools are extremely pricey. 
  • You can be part of our history, invited to the first viewing and recorded forever in the film's credits. 

So why does this film matter?

As an expat living in Ireland I have noticed that there is a vast amount of talent here but not a lot of funding opportunities for the unestablished filmmaker. But if more films are produced here and gaining an international audience more funding would be steered into the industry. 

What if I can't give any money?

Well that's OK! You can spread the about us, share us, you know the drill. 

Thank you for taking the time to read all about us and if you donate THANK YOU SO MUCH! We will never ever forget it!

Over and out

The Crone Wood Filmmakers

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Every little bit helps

Currency Conversion $10 USD
€10 EUR
We thank you! Special email and shout out on our fb page will come your way for sure ;)
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Well aren't you nice

Currency Conversion $21 USD
€20 EUR
Wow thanks! This is our special thanks credit perk= your name will be in the final credits of the movie...pretty cool huh?
2 claimed

That's amazing!

Currency Conversion $52 USD
€50 EUR
All of the above but you will stand out in the credits and get a signed photograph from the stars of the film.
4 claimed

No waaaay! You are fantastic!

Currency Conversion $104 USD
€100 EUR
All of the above obviously and you will get invited to our private screening later this year!
2 claimed

Mr/Ms Co-Executive Producer

Currency Conversion $521 USD
€500 EUR
Yes, this is the big one folks. All of the above AND your name will be featured on all PR material and of course a co-executive producer credit in the film.
0 claimed
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