"Crusade in Wonderland".
"Rise of the Drumpf" a satire about politics in America today.
Trump says adios to respect. Trump says adios to diversity.
Trump say adios to a united country. But we say hello to the idea of having a
land where everyone fits in. A land where diversity makes us greater.
Based on that dream was born Crusade in Wonderland, a short film that tells the story of an immigrant family. Martina, an 8 year old
girl who was born in Wonderland to
undocumented parents. Lupita, the older sister came to Wonderland as a small girl. Their father was deported to
Mexico after having been caught working without documents in the kitchen of a fancy restaurant.
Rosa, the girls mother, and Don Choco, the grandfather, are raising the sisters and doing a great job despite the complexity of their circumstances. But in Wonderland, the malicious speech of the clowns who want to rule the place
promotes division and creates an atmosphere of hatred that damages the relations among neighbors.
For this project a group of artists
from United States, Syria, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Pakistan, Ecuador, Venezuela, Poland, Haiti, Philippines, have join to work together. We believe in film making as a way to reflect and question realities, we aim to tell stories that entertain but also affect our communities in a positive way.
We want to see this world as a better place, a place
where everyone fits, no matter what their race, color,
religion, gender, sexual orientation or economic status.
Help us to raise $7,000 or more; this time we don't want to end up broke
We're trying to raise $7,000 or more to cover our production
and post-production costs, including:
transportation, locations, production, food, costumes, props etc. Since
the movie has many scenes which take place in a fantasy world, we
need specials resources to build that world.
Then, of course, we are going to
need funds for editing, color correction, sound effects, special post production effects, and celebration for accomplishment, including pinatas and lots of cold beer.
In our movie we would
like to show how the message of hatred that some politicians are spewing is causing devastating damage in our communities. We truly believe we all have a desperate need for a different kind of political order, less hate and bigotry,
more love and tolerance. It is time to fight to find the path to a constructive dialogue, where there can be a safe middle area where people of different backgrounds can mingle, where everybody has a voice, where ideas can coexist, and where fair choices beneficial to the community can be made and implemented.
We know that making this film real is a challenge
Even though we know that making this
movie is a challenge, even a bit of a mad enterprisse we are keen to make the project forward, we know with your help we can make it happen.
If you can't help us with money help us by
Telling your friends and making some noise about this campaign. Thanks!
Grisanty, Dominican
Alexandra Gutiérrez, Venezuelan
Bonnelly, Dominican
Karina Domínguez, Mexican
Omar Nassar, Syrian/Venezuelan
Ayiesha Alizai Sadik, Pakistani
Libia Gil, Colombian
Hernández, Mexican
Martínez-Tutek, Colombian
Alejandro Marin