Short Summary
My name is Danielle Gordon, and I am an 18 year old student in New Jersey. It has been my dream to attend American University since I learned about it during my freshman year, a dream that I have worked very hard to make possible through hard work in and out of school. Those efforts paid off this past December, when I was admitted as an early decision student for the Fall of 2013! Unfortunately, many other circumstances seem to be determining whether or not I will actually be able to attend.
I live in a single-parent home with my father, and the $52,000 a year that American University will cost is not possible between the two of us. My mother is not a part of my life, and provides no financial support. While my family had been saving for years to be able to afford a college education for me, those savings were drained in 2011 when my older sister passed away. The average funeral in America is often more than $10,000 dollars, and any money that would have been spent on my education was used to cover those costs.
As of right now, it does not seem possible for me to attend American University in my current financial situation. While student loans are an option, the amount I would have to take out and pay back is just not feasible since I have plans to attend medical school, which will be a financial battle for me in itself.
So I'm asking for your help! Please help me by donating any amount you can!
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