I'm a trained Biblical teacher and have spent my life in church planting, pastoral leadership and working with churches internationally in leadership development.
For years I have dreamed of being able to put in print the fruit of my experiences and how God has worked in and through my life. This book isn't theoretical; it is real, practical fruit based on decades of experience.
This project aims to provide a landing pad for relevant, necessary questions on key topics such as divine healing, the work of the Holy Spirit, Biblical church government, and faith. Practical and read-able, it gives foundations on which to build true New Testament churches which will endure.
I am partnering with an innovative publisher (Josh Best of Unprecedented Press) who produces high quality books at reasonable prices with the goal of kingdom advance.
All we need is $1500 USD to make the book available this October! $1200 will go to Unprecedented Press for printing costs, and $300 will cover artwork and design.
I am pleased to offer a free book for any donation amount exceeding $50.
If you can't help financially, your prayer support is priceless. I am excited to offer this project after so many years of work and waiting. Thank you so much for standing with us!