My name is Banza Pandora J Townsend Tracey. I am a long time actress that was originally asked to direct this movie after performing in the stage play. Somehow I became the casting director, producer, director and sole investor. With a cast and crew of over 30 dedicated talents and a story that must be told this became almost an obsession.
Throughout the initial filming we teamed up with organizations that teach survivors of domestic violence and shared their stories and the dedication and commitment to finish this project became stronger. Not only to finish the original story but to incorporate real life resources help lines and live resources.
Theater and Film have always had a way of reaching the community in ways only art could. We would like to continue to pour into our community. We begun filming Dear Diary, yet want to give this project the platform expertise it deserves. We have some of the best talent in Indianapolis who have given their acting, talents, wardrobe and artistic talents to bring this to life.
In order to do this film, the writers and the talent justice we need to raise money to hire experienced cinematographers, editors and a sound engineer.
In addition to the incredible acting talent, we have an amazing group of musicians who have donated their music to the project.
Our goal is to raise $20,000. As most know this is low for a feature film but I have so much faith in the people involved I plan to match the rest and use it to plan a fund raiser/talent show to help pay the cast. The $20, 000 is for the fund raiser and crew
Your contribution will make YOU an important part of a movie that reflects the real lives of many women men and children that we run into daily; some we realize and some we don’t. It gives a voice to some who are still afraid to use theirs. Helping us broadcast this voice to a broader audience is greatly appreciated.
Of course we also offer you various Perks depending on your level of engagement.
From $25 and up we will give you exclusive access to watch some of our local stage plays, bonus footage, producer credits and marketing through our film.
If you're not able to make a contribution yourself but still want to support this project; please help us spread the word. Maybe you know people that will find this movie highly important and would be willing to contribute. Please share this campaign with them.
Feel free to share by using the Indiegogo share tools.
And we're very thankful if you follow our Facebook-page by giving it the thumbs up.
Just the fact that you've read this far shows us that you're potential part of this movie project and that's inspiring to us.