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Vengeance is a Drug, it becomes your addiction.

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Vengeance is a Drug, it becomes your addiction.

Vengeance is a Drug, it becomes your addiction.

Vengeance is a Drug, it becomes your addiction.

Vengeance is a Drug, it becomes your addiction.

Julian Cicone
Julian Cicone
Julian Cicone
Julian Cicone
1 Campaign |
Columbus, United States
$80 USD 3 backers
4% of $2,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Our Story

Destrudo came from an original script and story by writer and Co-Producer Nate Helmer.  The original title of the project was called The Prisoner.  From there Nate asked Julian Cicone to direct what would later be called Destrudo.  After Nate saw Julian Cicone's last film Life Beyond Death, he knew that Julian could pull off a visually spectacular picture while also maintaining an original and complex story.  For "Destrudo" Nate and Julian were inspired by a lot of classic crime drama's and revenge films.  Inspiration came from Taxi Driver, Luc Besson's Leon: The Professional, Jacob's Ladder, and Park Chan-Wook's Vengeance Trilogy.  Nate and Julian got together to talk about the film and they ended up agreeing to change the title from The Prisoner to "Destrudo".   

"Destrudo" is about a veteran named Mark Maddox who was dishonorable discharged and now hides out in a shady motel room working for the motel as security. He suffers from delusions and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Mark ends up encountering a crazy guy named Leon Truddell (think of Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet).  Mark ends up getting into a confrontation with Leon and is almost killed because of it.

Six Months to a year pass. You find out that Leon Trudell who almost killed Mark was let go. Mark ends up meeting a guy who operates a Dojo and in secret is a vigilante, his name is Sam Ian.  Mark befriends Sam in hoping that his new friendship with Sam will help him find Leon and kill him.  It is a story about revenge and how vengeance can be a drug.  Vengeance is Mark's new addiction.

For those interested in the movie title here's a definition and description of where "Destrudo" came from.

Destrudo is a term introduced by Italian psychoanalyst Edoardo Weiss in 1935 to denote the energy of the death instinct, on the analogy of libido'[1] - and thus to cover the energy of the destructive impulse in Freudian psychology.

Destrudo is the opposite of libido - the urge to create, an energy that arises from the Eros (or "life") drive - and is the urge to destroy arising from Thanatos ("death"), an aspect of what Sigmund Freud termed "the aggressive instincts, whose aim is destruction".[2]

Weiss described how secondary narcissism related not only to libido turning towards the self, but also to aggression, which he called "Destrudo", which behaved in an identical way. Unfortunately this paper, which contains many interesting ideas, is written in a rather obscure German'.[3]

Perhaps as a result, whereas Weiss, Federn's disciple, collaborator, and the editor of his writings, preferred to call this second energy "destrudo"...[Federn's] term "mortido" has been used by other analytic writers more generally'.[4]Eric Berne wrote that 'The term mortido is taken from Paul Federn...Weiss calls it "destrudo"'.[5]

Interestingly enough 'Freud never bothered to name the aggressive and destructive energy of the death drive, as he did when he called the energy of the life drive "libido". With this in mind, Federn called this new energy source "mortido", while some others, like Charles Brenner (1973,;22), elected the term "destrudo" for this purpose'.

This should give you an idea of what "Destrudo" will be like.

Here's Julian Cicone's vimeo page and website

The Impact

The impact of our campaign is to tell an engaging story that will get people interested and keep them at the edge of their seat.  Julian Cicone and Nate Helmer are both lovers of Cinema.  They have an encyclopedia knowledge of film and one of their favorite genres is revenge.  The purpose of this project is not to tell a heart warming story filled with cliche characters or a story about some cause.  It is a hardcore crime drama and revenge film.  It delves into the dehumanization of human beings and how vengeance can be a drug to many people.  Destrudo will have a lot of references and homages in music, characters, lighting, and cinematography.  Lovers of film and especially these kinds of movies will be sure to catch on and enjoy it.

We want to make this the best short film possible.  We need you to help succeed our budget of $2000.  The $2000 dollars will cover the costs of all our equipment.  Nate and I are also pulling out of pocket money to help supply and fund the equipment and also supply the costs of reimbursing cast and crew members with food, shelter, and gas money.  We believe in treating our cast and crew with the up most respect.  They can be SAG or not SAG I will still treat them like as if they were Union actors.  We are planning on shooting for 5 days but within those 5 days cast and crew will be receiving food and will be getting a good number of sleep hours.  For this we need help from you guys to support this campaign and help get us to our goal of $2000.  This will help make "Destrudo" possible and a reality.

What We Need & What You Get

Your support for this project will mean a lot to us.  We need $2000 to help cover equipment costs and reimbursing cast and crew members with Shelter, food, and gas money.  We are looking for and working with professional people and equipment and as you know it won't be free.  Nate and Julian are pulling money out of their pockets to help chip in but it won't be enough.  That is where you will come in.  

Your financial contribution will be rewarded in different ways depending on how much money you donate to our production.  Any contribution will guarantee you a DVD copy of the film along with a complete press kit and autographed photos.  We plan on having a premiere of "Destrudo" at a local theater in the Columbus Ohio area.  The more you chip in.  The more you will get and be rewarded. 

Other Ways You Can Help

Any help is appreciated.  The biggest alternatives to helping us out will be spreading the word of the film "Destrudo" to your friends and families, on message boards and blogs.  By spreading the word of this film through the IndieGoGo website or through our "Destrudo's" facebook page.

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Choose your Perk

Special Mention

$20 USD
You will get a "Thank You" credit at the end of the film, as well as a DVD copy of the film and a press kit with photographs and autographs of the cast
1 claimed

Thank you Credit

$50 USD
You will get a "Thank You Credit" in the film, as well as a DVD & Blu-ray copy of the film along with a press kit with photographs and autographs of the cast.
1 claimed

Free ticket to showcase

$100 USD
You will receive a thank you credit for the film. You will get a "free ticket" and have the opportunity to come to the premiere of the film in March 2012, you'll Receive a Blu-ray and DVD copy of the film as well as a press kit and a poster and photographs and autographs of cast and crew
0 claimed

The Package

$500 USD
You will receive a thank you credit for the film. You will get two free tickets and have the opportunity to come to the premiere of the film in March 2012, you'll Receive a Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital copy of the film as well as a press kit and a poster. You'll also get autographs and photographs of cast and crew
0 claimed

Executive Producer Package

$1,000 USD
You will receive a thank you credit for the film and an Executive Producer credit. You will get three free tickets and have the opportunity to come to the premiere of the film in March 2012, you'll Receive a Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital copy of the film as well as a press kit and a poster. You'll also get autographs and photographs of cast and crew and you'll be able to get into the after party for free.
0 claimed
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