It's been a long road getting here, playing with some of the most talented eastern folk musicians in London and ever changing travelling musicians..
Finally we found our core after 3 years , we feel we reached the right sound and right group of people and our latest shows felt somewhat different.. More full power new set we have been working on, is almost ready for our UK festival tour for the summer..
We are incredibly excited and can't wait to share the recordings with you, but making a record isn't cheap and we are looking for your help to fund the following:
£800 to help pay for studio time and mixing
£800 to help contribute towards CD print and mastering
£100 Logo and CD Artwork design
£500 Video and Postproduction
Those of you who came to see us know the change we have gone through and we still are selling our home made recording CDs at our gigs.
We feel this is the right moment to record an EP that truly represents where we got to today.
A multinational line up including :
Dila Vardar on enchanting vocals (Istanbul- Turkey),
Fati on guitar and his mad wawa pedal (Izmir-Turkey), Saul Mavromatakis on engine like bass (Athens - Greece)
Quto Yuce on turkish wedding drum Davul (Kurdistan - London)
Ayoze Leandro Lopez on drums (Spain)
Tansay Omar the legend on darbuka (Cyprus)
Ewan Bleach - Clarinet master on any kind of music (United Kingdom)
Djanan Turan - vocals & eclectic moves (London- Turkey)
New tracks - New Bigger Sound- True Turbo Folk