The Story
"The Exquisite Corpse" is an anthology of 5 separate short films that all take place on one day in the community around a university campus, when 5 different people unknowingly become part of a mysterious game called "The Exquisite Corpse" after finding the body of a fellow classmate, Helen. Trapped in their own worlds, they each have to move her to another location or risk being caught. Little do they know that the decisions they make affect the next person to find her. Everyone playing the game has something to hide about their connection to Helen, and has their own clue to who may be behind her murder.
What We Need & What You Get
We've already funded 2 out of 5 segments! We need your support to see this project to completion. All funding will go directly to production costs for the last three segments.
The final film will be premiered at the Fall 2015 DKA Expo.
Your Impact
We need your help. Your support will go directly to:
- Equipment Rental
- Production Design
- Filming Permits
- Catering for Cast & Crew
More About Delta Kappa Alpha
The Exquisite Corpse is this semester's film presented by Delta Kappa Alpha, USC's national honorary cinema fraternity. Founded in 1936, DKA fosters lifelong character, collaborative and creative storytelling, and bonds between students of cinematic arts on various college campuses across the US. Famous alumni include George Lucas, with honorary members such as Alfred Hitchcock, James Stewart, Billy Wilder, and countless other legends.
Risks & Challenges
DKA has successfully completed a short film every semester, but this is our first ever anthology film, and at 40 minutes, The Exquisite Corpse will have the longest run-time of any DKA movie yet. So far we have made excellent progress, and every crew is passionate, in place and ready to create! All we need now is the remainder of our funding.
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand some people can't contribute. Please spread the word to help us bring The Exquisite Corpse to life!