Thank you to everyone who helped us reach our goal! I am thrilled and did a victory dance! Our stretch goal is $25,000, with only a few hours remaining. This will enable us to buy much needed additional equipment:
- 2 wireless mics ($1500)
- Lights ($1100)
- Twelve hard drives ($2400)
Please join us! Thank you.
Cash Donations
This Campaign makes it easy to donate with Paypal. Or if you prefer to pay by credit card, do this:
> When you get to the PayPal screen, you'll see up top "Choose a Way to Pay" > Select the second option: "Pay with a debit or credit card" > Complete the form > When you get to the checkbox that says: "Save this information with a PayPal account. It's easy and free to sign up. Learn more about PayPal", **uncheck** the box. > Click "review and continue" to continue with a payment using a credit card. > Click on the "continue without logging in" link
If you prefer to pay by check, that's fine! I'll make sure you get the appropriate verification of your tax-deductible donation. Checks can be made out to "From the Heart Productions" and mailed to c/o Karen Everett, 1247 Potrero Ave. San Francisco, CA 94110. Thank you!
Short Summary
I first met futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard at a media conference earlier this year. Her speech, which called listeners to imagine a world in which we solved our global crises and grew in consciousness, moved me to tears.
When she asked her audience what our unique calling was in creating such a new world, I felt the stirrings of a new documentary calling to my soul...a documentary about her.
I talked to her in the lobby and now, a few months later, we're doin' it!
Barbara has been called "the best human now alive regarding futurism" by Buckminister Fuller, and Marianne Williamson called her "our undisputed planetary midwife".
If you think about all the problems in the world, you could get depressed, but Barbara says "our crisis is a birth. We stand on a dramatic moment of choice...extinction or evolution?"
Your contribution to this campaign is of immense importance because we need to raise immediate funds to film Barbara this December as she galvanizes 100 milllion people to celebrate a planetary "Birth 2012" event. This unprecedented "global birthday" event will activate a new age of human possibilty and help drive us through our global crises.
Your donation toward the first $20,000 will help me reserve a top-notch camera crew and fund travel to Santa Barbara, Australia, Los Angeles, and where ever else Barbara travels on her heroic quest to unite one hundred million people.
We'll be able to capture on camera the essence of this remarkable woman and create an observational style documentary which shares her positive vision of the future. In other words, you'll see this astonishingly energetic elder "walk her transformative talk" on a daily basis.
Imagine how inspiring that will be!
What We Need & What You Get
Here's the deal:
We need $20,000 by mid November to ensure we can film Barbara during the 30 days leading up to her big planetary event. Capturing her participation on camera is key to this historical documentary.
What do you get for contributing? First, the satisfaction of giving to a project that embodies your values. (If it doesn't, you can stop reading now, dear friend!) Second, depending on your level of contribution, you can receive special passes to a rough cut screening where I'll solicit your creative feedback, exclusive online access to outtakes from Barbara's interviews that won't end up in the film, Associate Producer screen credit and a special screening and VIP dinner.
What else will your contribution get you? A major impact.
The Impact
Your contribution to "Bold Mother Hubbard: The Story and Vision of Barbara Marx Hubbard" will provide:
- A film with a positive, practical vision of the future, which humanity desparately needs;
- For older female viewers, the film will help inspire what Barbara calls "re-genopause", a revitalization of one's calling in life;
- For all viewers, Barbara's own remarkable life purpose can provoke strong "vocational arousal", a stirring of one's unique purpose in creating a better world;
- By giving to this project, you are also helping create the kind of uplifting films you want to see on television and in theaters;
- Your involvement in this film helps knit together a conscious community of viewers;
- By contributing to this film and sharing the final product with friends and family, you inform and inspire people who may not yet be aware of the positive shift underway, a global movement for conscious evolution.
Who I Am
Your film is in good hands! I'm an award-winning filmmaker who has directed five previous documentaries that have screened at more than 150 film festivals, PBS and Netflix. I have taught for 18 years at the #1-ranked documentary program in the world, at UC Berkeley. As a professional story consultant, I have worked on hundreds of documentaries, many of which have played at top film festivals and screened on PBS and HBO. I received my Masters in Journalism from UC Berkeley and my BA from Smith College. My film company New Doc Films creates transformational media, stories that evolve consciousness and inspire human potential.
Other Ways You Can Help
Calling all "connector" types! Help me find a special person to fill a unique role, the Executive Producer (EP) of the film. Scan your mental Address Book for this special individual who can provide a major financial contribution and receive the honor of co-producing the film at an executive level! The EP doesn't need to know about filmmaking! If you potentially are this person--or know someone who could be--please contact me at 415-601-4613 or Thank you!
Also, please help me spread the word about this documentary's fundraising campaign through Facebook, email and Twitter.