6x9 Print, by Chaz Walgamott:
(Only 350 available)![]()
Hello! I'm Clint Stoker. I have been writing fiction for years. Most notable was my novel ALL FOR OWEN. While I love writing novels, comics are my passion. I set aside writing novels to write comics. I honed my skills, and developed the craft of writing comics until it was time to team up with the right people to publish a professional-level comic.
DOWNCAST was a project that I had wanted to publish for years. I wrote a few versions of the script but it never quite felt ready. Until now. With the right script under my belt and with the help of a professional creative team, DOWNCAST is here, and better than I had ever imagined it could be
- Story: Clint Stoker
- Art: Ignacio Lazaro
- Colors: Damian Penalba
- Letters: Eric Weathers
- Cover B Artist: Matthew Weldon
- Cover B Colors: Derek Dow
Interior art - By Ignacio Lazaro:
What We Need & What You Get
We have everything we need to make DOWNCAST the best it can be, but we still need your help. It takes money to pay for professional art, get it printed and then shipped. We've run all the numbers and consulted experts - so here is the plan...
This funding is crucial to getting DOWNCAST completed and printed. I have been able to personally fund a portion of the project, but I need your help to bridge the gap. We need to raise a minimum of $7,000 to get this book made and into your hands. Without your contributions, we can't do this.
In return for your support, you get a piece of DOWNCAST history in the form of one of our perks.
Take a look at all of the great tiers available to your right. Select a copy of the book, or nab the original variant cover art. Pick a reward that suits you, and pledge your support, because without it, this cannot happen.
Early Development
Stretch Goals
(Unlocked) $7,000 - FUNDED!
(Unlocked) $8,000 - Additional 4 pages (52 pages total).
(Unlocked) $9,000 - Sketch and development pages in the back of the book.
(Unlocked) $10,000 - Stickers for everyone!
(Unlocked) $11,000 - Bookmarks for all $25 + backers.
(Unlocked) $12,000 - Matte Cover.
(Unlocked) $20,000 - Spot Gloss - UV cover.
(Unlocked) $25,000 - Foil Stamped Cover.
The Impact
DOWNCAST is only possible with your support. It takes a lot of time, talent, dedication and money to produce a quality comic. Thank you!
Risks & Challenges
Timelines can be a challenge. That is why we are giving ourselves plenty of time to get this project finished and into your hands. I was very conservative with the timeline. Other challenges can be with printing, shipping, and fulfillment. The good news is, I'm not alone. I'm part of a network of creators with successful campaigns who support each other. I view this project as a professional responsibility and I keep my commitments.
- I am very transparent about the progress and process so you know exactly what is going on.
- I'm a finisher.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
- Share this campaign on social media and suggest it to friends.
Thank you!